Christ – His Ultimate Reign 

      Christ: His Ultimate Reign - Pr. Marv Wiseman

George Frederick Handel, understandably struck by the claims of the Word of God as he read the 11th chapter of Revelation, was compelled to set it to music.  Out of his fascination and compulsion, the famous oratorio bearing his name and the name of his subject was born.  Known worldwide and performed frequently with great exuberance, Handel’s Messiah, or Jesus, the Messiah, as seen and set to music by George Frederick Handel…what an elaborate, absolute masterpiece.  And, it all concludes as it should.  Taken right out of the 11th of Revelation… those wonderful lines.  You who are familiar with the music can hear it being sung as you listen to the words of the seventh angel proclaiming them, “There were great voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever,’” repeated several times.  The music becomes mesmerizing.  This, so beautifully depicted by the genius of Handel is precisely what is yet to take place.  Its reality is as certain as God is God.

When the Apostle Paul is inspired to write of this event, he records it thusly in the 15th of 1st Corinthians, “Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power.  For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.  The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” “But how can this be?” some would protest.  It’s an entirely new order.  That’s how it can be…and will be.

Those of whom Peter speaks in his second epistle, chapter 3, are simply wrong and will be shown to be wrong.  They are described as scoffers, mockers, those who exclaim, “Where is the promise of his coming?  For since the forefathers passed on, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”  No, no, no.  All things will not continue as they were.  The world in history, with all its powers, corruption, and multiplied injustices will come to an abrupt halt.  The day of reckoning, long scoffed and denied, will become a reality.  The world may well pinch itself to determine if it is real and not a figment of its imagination.  But it is no dream.  Man’s day is over.  The Day of the Lord is in process and will ever continue with this rightful one seated upon the throne of David, ruling and reigning in perfect righteousness.  This is where everything is headed.  This is where we will be when we arrive at this final global wrap-up.  Mark it well; the righteous will rejoice and give thanks.  The unrighteous will moan and mourn for the world, as they knew it, loved it, and preferred it, is no more.  This is why the 11th of Revelation records, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.”  And He shall reign forever and ever.


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