The Inexhaustibility of the Bible

      The Inexhaustibility of the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Anyone spending serious time perusing the pages of the Bible will surely come to some inescapable conclusions about its uniqueness. One of those likely conclusions is that this Book, and its themes, simply has no bottom. One can forget about plumbing its depths or overtaking the sublimity of its heights. We are dealing with a volume that speaks of a myriad of subjects that prompts investigation. Yet, upon doing so, in however an extensive study one may engage, the conviction is always there that one has merely scratched the surface. There is more, so much more, than has been ferreted out. This speaks of the inexhaustibility of the Bible. Yes, of course, there are the simple truths it contains, so simple a child can understand and not error therein. But upon further examination of these so-called simple truths, they take on a character not seen at the outset. They deepen, and widen, and appear to take on a life of their own. You never really get to the end of anything when you engage the study of the Bible.

Having done so for more than five decades convinces us more and more that “inexhaustible” is a fitting description of it. But, there should be no surprise about this. If the Bible is what is claims to be, and was given in the manner it says it was, and came from the Source it says it does, its inexhaustibility is expected. We should be suspicious of it if it did not convince us there is so much more to be known, even regarding an in-depth study that engaged several hours. Not only is there more to be learned about any subject undertaken, there is the feeling that there is more that remains than what you have been able to obtain. An ongoing examination of any subject in the Scriptures soon finds the searcher expanding the field of inquiry. This is because there is a divine networking connecting the themes one is investigating to all the rest of the Bible. It isn’t long until a student is simply awestruck by the amazing interconnectedness of the whole of Scripture. Everything in the Book is intricately connected with everything in the Book. Its great diversity, which in itself is truly remarkable, but seeing such diversity come together in an equally remarkable cohesiveness is simply beyond the ability of mere human authors. Man simply has no satisfactory explanation for this, nor should he, if the Bible is as it claims to be… directly from God Himself.

Again, should we not expect this all to be the case if, indeed, the Bible has originated as it says it did?

For Christianity Clarified, this is Marv Wiseman.


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