Why Are People The Way They Are?

      Why are People As They Are? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why are people in the world the way they are? It’s all due to what is called “The Fall.” Romans 5:18 tells us, “Through one transgression [Adams], there resulted condemnation to all men.” All of corporate humanity was in the loins of our first parent, Adam. We are all part of Adam’s DNA. Adam´s death became our death in the same way Christ´s life is our life. Death is not the sensation of being, but a separation. Separation of the spirit from the body is physical death, and separation of the spirit from God is spiritual death. Adam died spiritually immediately upon partaking after Eve in Genesis 3. Years later, he also died physically – a process that began years earlier. Death for us all, the sickness and debilitation it brings with it, are all part of the original consequences of Adam’s sin passed on to us.

Romans 5 provides the explanation for human behavior and death. All humans, except Christ alone, are conceived with the seeds of death in us, resulting from the inbred nature of sin. Sin produces death, where of all are partakers. This alone explains why humanity and the world are as they are. Look around you. It all fits. Look within you. That fits too. Our humanity is systemically contaminated with a terminal disease called “sin.” It isn’t pretty, but it is real, and there is no escaping it. Death is no respecter of persons and it will overtake us all no matter how good the doctors. God’s only resolution for death is through his appointed agent whom he raised out of death, Jesus Christ, God’s Son. He is referred to in 1 Corinthians 15 as “the last Adam” who is a “life-giving spirit.” Only the biblical record explains why people in the world are the way they are. This biblical account of human´s sin and rebellion against God, the Creator, is referred to as “The Fall.” It alone is the only consistent explanation for why man in the world are as they are. We search in vain for another answer.

So, why are people, and the world, the way they are? It’s all due to what is called “The Fall,” and it is universal.

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