What Are The Times Of The Gentiles?

      What Are the Times of the Gentiles? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

What are the times of the Gentiles? This is a fascinating prophecy and it speaks of a fascinating time. We are currently living in the times of the Gentiles. It refers to the supremacy or domination of the Gentiles. And who are the Gentiles? Anyone who is not Jewish is a Gentile, and that’s most of us. So what does the times of the Gentiles mean? It refers to the times that Gentiles are in the driver’s seat of the world powers and decisions.

Christ prophecy referred to this in Luke 21 saying, “Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Well, what does that mean – “the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled?” It means their day is over. It means Jerusalem will no longer be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles. It means the power and dominance fallen to Gentiles to pass around among themselves will come to an end. All through the ages of the past 4,000 years, Gentiles have beaten up on Israel, subjugating and persecuting and dominating them. The Egyptians, the Philistines, Syrians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Spain, and the rest of Europe, using Israel as a punching bag – until the worst of all, Hitler and his blathering nonsense about a super Aryan race, climaxed by the horrors of the Holocaust. And, adding insult to injury, there are those who are either ignorant “dupes” or just plain evil who tell us the Holocaust that claimed 6 million Jews during World War II never happened. It’s all a worldwide, trumped-up hoax engineered by international jewelry to gain sympathy. This is the current claim of radical Islamists.

These are the times of the Gentiles. But mark well, the number one Jew´s words, Jesus Himself, said they will come to an end. Then who will be in charge of the world’s direction and decisions? Who’s left when Once the domination of Gentiles comes to an end? If the world’s population is comprised of a huge percentage of Gentiles and a very tiny percentage of Jews, and the time of the Gentiles comes to an end, you tell me who that leaves? “Voilá.” You are so right. Israel, and it will be Israel led by Israel’s Messiah – the same one their ancestors rejected 2000 years ago. And when this Jew of Jews is raining in Jerusalem, the Gentiles will fare much better than they ever did when they were in charge.


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