The Bible and Christianity Clarified

      The Bible and Christianity Clarified - Pr. Marv Wiseman

If we are in any wise going to clarify Christianity, we are cast entirely upon the Bible to do so. This is because apart from the Scriptures, there is no Christianity and nothing to clarify. This means we are of necessity appealing to the Bible as not merely our authority, but as our only authority. Perhaps you have heard the expression that… “the Bible is our only rule for faith and practice.” Is the Bible worthy of this kind of total reliance? Have Christians simply surrendered their brains to an old book?

Critics would charge that appealing to the Bible alone, and in this manner, makes one guilty of “bibliolatry” – that is, then you are a worshiper of the Bible, and not God. Our response is that there is no such thing as intelligent worship apart from the Bible. Only in it are we informed of the great truths of Christianity. Left to mere revelation, gleaned from what God has created in nature, called “natural revelation,” we can know that God is. But we cannot know the God that is. Apart from the revelation He has given of Himself recorded in the Bible. And such is the very purpose for His giving it, that man might come to know Him. So again, and without apology, we intend to make much of, and from this grand old book, for out of it are the very issues of life. We intend to explore not only the doctrines contained in the Bible, but the rationale and authority behind them. And make no mistake about it, the issue of authority is absolutely critical. It is the watershed issue.

Everything we believe about everything we believe is inseparably linked to this purported authority behind it. That sets it forth. Any time we hear someone make a statement, a claim or accusation, that we consider the least bit questionable, the immediate and automatic response is… “Who told you that? Where did you hear that?” Their answer helps greatly to establish credibility, or to discredit the statement they have made. It always depends upon the credibility of the source of the information. It is precisely the same with the Bible. We shall give, on future segments of Christianity Clarified, multiple reasons why open-minded, thinking people, will subscribe to the authority behind every jot and tittle of this book. We will all be enlightened, edified and equipped. To ignore what the majority of Western culture has recognized as the authority for thousands of years, because today’s arrogant-minded generation thinks they have outgrown it, is pure folly. Consequently, several future sessions will consider the supreme worthiness of the Bible.

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