The Finality of the Scriptures

      The Finality of the Scriptures - Pr. Marv Wiseman

This is Marv Wiseman inviting you to Christianity Clarified, dealing with several important truths misunderstood by non-Christians, and often by professing Christians. Our goal is to make biblical faith clear, and we emphasize “biblical” because much passed off as Christianity is not biblical. Yet, apart from the Bible, we have no valid support for truths we hold dear. It is all we have upon which to base our faith, and it is all we need. However, many regard human authority superior to the Bible. Modern pagans worship at the altars of science and psychology, elevating those as ultimate authorities, despite these false gods being disproved time and again. No doubt this is due partly to issues of antiquity and modernity.

The Bible is seen by many as hopelessly outdated to the point of irrelevance, while the latest scientific findings, fresh out of the scientist’s laboratory, reveal this or that to be so, and they do sound authoritative. After all, science has come a very long way and has achieved much. But the Bible, many conclude, is simply stuck in the past – way in the past. Those making these comparisons, while dazzled by recent achievements, ignore the key difference between the Bible and science. Science is ever a work-in-progress, never finished, but fluid. Everything learned scientifically rightly constitutes a building block upon which further discoveries are made. Not so with the Bible. It’s done – complete, finished. The Bible records the past and the future with no need for a retraction or correction. So while we owe much to science and its ongoing endeavors, we dare not make it the ultimate authority, as many do.

God, the author of the Bible, is the only ultimate authority. It’s a case we plan to make consistently. With science the jury is always out. Discovery is its very life breath and is a never-ending endeavor. No true scientist ever speaks of his findings as being total or complete. There is always more to be discovered and every scientist worthy of the name knows that. The Scriptures, however, in contrast to science, claim a finality only God can provide. The psalmist said, “Forever, o Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven.” It’s a case we plan to make consistently on Christianity Clarified, and we are honored to have you join us.


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