The Bible Knows Us ( Part 1)

      The Bible Knows Us - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have quoted the statement by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer and the insightful observation he made that “the Bible is a book such as man could not write if he would, and would not write if he could.”  In the former case that man could not write the Bible if he would, we point to the unparalleled beauty given forth in Scripture.  The employ of language, of expression so profound in both prose and poetry.  The Bible possesses an exquisite literary quality that is so sublime all others, including the bard himself, simply pale by comparison.  It appears the Book is other worldly, and it is.  The source from which it originated is as other worldly as you can get. 
Our most gifted human penmen through the ages could not compare with the unequaled majesty of holy writ, and the majority of them were eager and willing to confess that this is so.  And for the idea that the Bible is a book such as man would not write if he could, we point to the way Scripture paints humanity through its approximately 1500 years of composition.  Mere human writers would have painted humanity with a less critical brush than does the Bible.  Anyone who has perused this wonderful old Volume must confess the human race is spoken about with raw honesty throughout its pages, often portrayed a very uncomplimentary picture.  The Bible simply tells the truth about man, and man’s frequent response to it is denial or resentment, sometimes downright anger.

You’ve heard the expression “The truth hurts”?  Well, it does.  The Bible deftly peels back the layers of humanity to reveal what’s really in the human heart.  It’s not a pretty picture. Christ Himself described man’s heart condition in Mark 7 by saying… now, are you ready for this?  Jesus said, “For from within, out of the heart of man proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness.  All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man.”

This is the description Christ gives of corporate humanity.  This is the truth the Bible records about man, and man is not prepared to absorb an indictment like that lying down.  He denies this is an accurate description of his heart.  Maybe of others, but not of him.  But, yes, my friend, it is an accurate description of us all. Thankfully, all of us don’t manifest all of them at once, but, yes, they are there.  If Jesus Christ says they are, and you say they aren’t, whom do you think we should believe?


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