Intro to Fulfilled Prophecy (Part 1)

      Introduction to Fulfilled Prophecy - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We continue our consideration of what is arguably the most compelling evidence that our Bible truly is inspired of God Himself, and it is to be trusted.  This evidence is offered from two specific areas of fulfilled prophecy.  The first has to do with those of general biblical names, places and events that transpired concerning them.  These are events predicted in detail, well in advance of their fulfillment, that simply cannot be explained apart from the God who was pleased to reveal this information for recording into the Bible.  The second has to do with prophecies given in regard to the coming of the promised Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Of these, in excess of 300, only a few of the most familiar will be noted and will suffice to establish that their fulfillment is inexplicable apart from the revelation given by God.

But, if we say that fulfilled prophecy is inexplicable, how is it that the Bible’s critics do not accept these fulfilled prophecies as have been given by God?  Surely, the Bible’s detractors must offer some explanation for what we say has no explanation.  If they are unexplainable, how do they, how can they, explain them?  Actually, they do not explain them.  They explain them away.

Here is how they do that: When Bible believers offer fulfilled prophecies as miraculous, there being no other explanation, the critics respond by saying, “Fulfilled prophecies…a miracle?  That can’t be. They cannot be miraculous because miracles are clearly impossible.  They are impossible because all that constitutes reality is that which we can observe.   Since we live in a closed system universe, because we do, nothing outside the universe can enter, which would clearly be contradictory to nature.  Hence, the supernatural, including your fulfilled prophecies, cannot exist.  Can’t happen.  Didn’t happen.”  So, by their so-called scientific pronouncement, they have simply defined miracles away, including fulfilled prophecy.  You will have to decide for yourself the validity of such shenanigans.  Without even examining the prophecies and their fulfillment, they merely dismiss the entirety of the matter based on their presuppositions.  One can hardly think of anything less scientific than that.

A basic credo of real science is to evaluate the evidence and its claims, reveal its flaws if you can, and hold off on your conclusion until you have objectively weighed the evidence.  Real science follows the evidence wherever it may lead, letting the chips fall where they may.  If the claims of Bible believers about the supernatural nature of fulfilled prophecy are false, any self-respecting scientist should be able to easily debunk them.  Instead, with a wave of the hand, they merely dismiss them as invalid.  So sad.  So unscientific.


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