The Institution of Substitution (Part 2 )

      The Institution of Substitution - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Hebrews 10 informs us that it was not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.  These were innocent animals.  We would also call them “dumb” animals, and they were dumb…dumb in the sense that they had no idea what was going on or why when their very life was taken from them.  They were unintelligent participants because animals have no sense of morality.   They act only from instinct.  Why couldn’t innocent animals take away the sins of humans who offered them as their substitute? It’s because animals are not of sufficient value to fully pay for the sins of people.  People alone are made in the image and likeness of God.  They possess an innate value, or worth, that is not true of animals.  Only something of equal or greater value can serve as a substitute, or sacrifice, for another.  This is why the animals were offered perpetually.  They were never enough.  No amount of animals could equal the value of one human being made in the image and likeness of God.  This is why only Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, would, or could, suffice for the entirety of humanity.  When the Scriptures repeatedly tell us that Christ died for the sins of the world, they’re also telling us that He, and He alone, was both willing and qualified to do so.  “The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world,” and the Son was willing to be sent.   Willing to give Himself for the utterly undeserving, willing to judicially take their penalty upon Himself and die for them in their place.  Jesus Christ did indeed become the Savior of the world.

The forgiveness and peace which Christ purchased in His death, burial, and resurrection is offered to all who will receive it.  And, this is done by acknowledging, admitting, our sin to God and, as an act of our will, placing our trust, confidence, reliance, upon Jesus Christ.  When anyone does so, Christ saves them, forgives them, cleanses them, accepts them to Himself.  He alone has the right to the title of “Savior”.

Can you think of anyone else qualified to wear that badge?   This, too, by the way, makes the case for the exclusivity of Christ’s salvation.  He was the only Being in the universe qualified to die for the sins of the world.  Do you know of another?  Christ isn’t the only way to God because Christians say so.  Christ is the only way to God because God says so.  God ought to know because it was He who sent His Son to accomplish this very salvation for a lost and dying world.  And, it was the agreeable, obedient love of the Son that made Him willing to give Himself.  This is the very essence, the core, the heartbeat of biblical Christianity.

Something called “Christian” may have lots of other aspects to it, but if it doesn’t include Christ died for the sins of the world heading its menu, it isn’t Christianity.  It may be “churchianity”, but it isn’t Christianity.  “He who knew no sin was made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him,” 2nd Corinthians 5:21.

CC 09-15

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