The Holy Spirit and His Earnest 

      The Holy Spirit and His Earnest - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Knowing where one stands as a believer in Christ, and having the assurance of that standing, is the next most important thing to the standing itself.  This is because the human heart cries out for security, certainty.  Knowing where you are with God, and knowing that you know, is the very basis for Christian confidence and stability… confidence that is not cockiness or arrogance.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Earnest “

The Holy Spirit and His Sealing 

      The Holy Spirit and His Sealing - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The sealing of the Holy Spirit upon the life and person of every believer is one more divine gracious provision of God to instill a sense of comfort and security in the Christian.  Few things increase our index of appreciation more than realizing our safety and security in Christ.  God does not want us to serve or worship Him because we stand in abject fear and horror of being disowned by Him but because we are so grateful to Him for what He has done for us through Christ. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Sealing “

The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling 

      The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God in the very life and body of the believer is one of the most comforting and assuring truths of all Scripture and of the life experience of the Christian.  This indwelling means precisely what it seems.  It is the very act of the Holy Spirit of God taking up residency in the spirit of the individual Christian from the moment he becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus until the time of his physical death, when the believer becomes absent from his body and present with the Lord in heaven.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling “

Baptism by the Holy Spirit

      The Holy Spirit and His Baptism - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Few issues are as confusing and divisive among believers in Christ as our present subject: the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.  The leading cause for confusion is in assuming the word “baptize” is synonymous with water.  Yet, in most instances where the word “baptize” is used, it has nothing to do with water.  Perhaps, it will help to clarify the issue by understanding there are two distinct ideas set forth in Scripture as regards baptism.  Continue reading “Baptism by the Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit and How He is Received 

      The Holy Spirit and How He is Received - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The Romans 8 text is quite clear in its assertion that anyone not possessing the Holy Spirit of Christ is none of His.  This being the case, the equally clear matter of concern with how one obtains the Spirit of Christ.  What are the necessary qualifications for receiving the Holy Spirit?  Answers are diverse and numerous, largely depending upon one’s denominational connections and the particular position held by its governing body.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and How He is Received “

The Necessity of the Possession by the Holy Spirit

      The Holy Spirit and His Possession is a Necessity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The gracious operation of the Holy Spirit, a member of the Triune God, is of incalculable importance to every believer in the spiritual body of Christ.  So important, in fact, that the Apostle Paul makes a startling statement about it in the 8th of Romans, “It is very forthright and unambiguous, said he.  If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His.”  With unmistakable clarity, the apostle equates being a Christian with having the Spirit of God dwelling within.  Continue reading “The Necessity of the Possession by the Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration 

      The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration of Spirits - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There are several very important ministries the Spirit of God conducts in the lives of all who are believers.  No exceptions.  In fact, without the Spirit of God performing these spiritual operations, one cannot be a believer.  They are all supernatural and cannot be accomplished in any other way apart from the gracious intervention of the Holy Spirit.  Included among these supernatural realities, without which no one can be a Christian, are these: regeneration, baptism, sealing, and indwelling. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration “

The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 2)

      The Holy Spirit and Pentacost - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It is critical to understand the reasons behind the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts, chapter 2.  Failure to do so has resulted in severe confusion and disagreement among Christians.  There are few issues that have divided believers so much as Acts 2 and its interpretation.  Consider, first of all, what made the day of Pentecost the Day of Pentecost.  It was not the arrival of the Holy Spirit.  It was not the rushing mighty wind, and it was not the speaking and hearing in languages not previously known.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 2)”

The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 1)

      The Holy Spirit and Pentacost - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Prior to the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, He informed His disciples that, even though He would be leaving them, they would not be without comfort, the reason being that the Holy Spirit, another member of the Triune Godhead, would compensate for the absence of Himself.  Being omnipresent, there was no time or place devoid of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, Christ told them in John 14 that, in addition to the Holy Spirit being with them, He would now be in them.  Chapters 14, 15, and 16 provide more details about the Holy Spirit than any other passage in the New Testament. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 1)”

The Holy Spirit and the Gospel 

      The Holy Spirit and the Gospel of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In 1st Corinthians 15, the inspired apostle relates the very essence of the Gospel in a very succinct way.  One might call it the “Gospel in a nutshell.”  Even though it is barebones minimum, it still contains the essential ingredients of truth one must know in order to be saved.  “Here it is,” said Paul,  “For I delivered unto you, first of all, that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures.”  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Gospel “

The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ 

      The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

A perfect example of the cooperation and harmony of the members of the Trinity is exhibited in the earthly life of Christ.  Not only was the Savior conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, the virgin, He was present at the baptism of Christ in the form of a dove, subsequently led Christ into the wilderness for His temptation experience by Satan, which ordeal would confirm His moral fitness as Israel’s Messiah and Savior of the world.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ “

The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ

      The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

All three synoptic gospels… Matthew, Mark, and Luke… record the temptation account of Jesus Christ.  Why John does not, we are not told.  Perhaps it was due to John’s emphasis upon the deity, the Godhood of Jesus, that John excludes it.  We are told that “God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man.”   And while John certainly affirms the humanity of Jesus as well as His deity, the other three gospels make more of Christ’s humanity than does John.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ”

The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation 

      The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The spectacular announcement of the angelic announcement that Gabriel, the angel, made to Mary, a Galilean virgin peasant girl, cannot be over-exaggerated.  It was, and is, monumental in all its ramifications.  Upon hearing what Gabriel told her… that she was to conceive in her womb and bear a child, that the child was not just any child but the One and only who would be called the Son of the Most High, and that this Son of hers would be the recipient of His Father David’s throne…Mary was understandably perplexed. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation “

The Holy Spirit and Illumination 

      The Holy Spirit and Illumination - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Illumination results when someone grasps a truth or concept previously not understood.  It’s also referred to as enlightenment or comprehension, and it is a priceless commodity.  Illumination is the principle task of the Holy Spirit, and the chief means He uses to illuminate is the very Word of God that He Himself has inspired.  The inspiration of the Scriptures provides illumination to the reader of Scripture. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Illumination “

The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture 

      The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The Word of God has been under attack from its adversaries from time immemorial.  Today is no different, but, in many ways, the attacks appear greater in number and intensity.  One of the most frequent criticisms of the Bible has to do with its content: Is it all there?  Is something missing?  If so, we do not have a complete Bible and, thus, may mislead someone due to critical parts missing.  Or, do we have more in the Bible than what should be there? Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture “

The Holy Spirit and the Bible 

      The Holy Spirit in the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Perhaps second only to His activity in creation in general, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the creation of the Word of God may well be His greatest and most strategic contribution to the created order of angels and humans.  The Spirit of God has seen fit to provide us with a written record of key events transpiring from the Genesis creation account to the close of the Revelation in chapter 22.  Creation to culmination.   Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Bible “

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

      The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The operations and activities of the Holy Spirit are found scores of times throughout the Old Testament.  In every instance, the Holy Spirit was imparting something of His supernatural Self to whatever it was the situation demanded.  In each event, the human recipient was keenly aware that it was not himself but God’s Spirit that was responsible for what was being accomplished.  He was always to the rescue when something beyond the mere ability of man was needed. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament”

The Holy Spirit in the Creation

      The Holy Spirit in Creation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We need look no further than the very first chapter of Genesis to find critical activity of the Holy Spirit of God.  Genesis 1:1 tells us that “In the beginning,” Elohim-“God created the heavens and the earth,” And “God” is clearly in the Hebrew plural and rendered “Elohim”.  Following in verse 2, the Holy Spirit of God is referenced with the words “and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” The Hebrew word for “move” is the word translated into English as “brooded”, brooded in the way a mother hen broods over her anticipated chicks in incubation. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit in the Creation”

The Holy Spirit’s Position in the Trinity 

      The Holy Spirit in the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In this present series, we undertake the doctrine of the Holy Spirit of God.  He… and He is referred to in the masculine gender… is not a “thing”, but an “it”, a person.  Not only a person but a divine Person and one who is a full-fledged equal member of the Triune Godhead.  Because the Holy Spirit is commonly referred to as the third Being of the Trinity, as in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, He’s frequently relegated to a role of lesser authority and importance than the Father and the Son, and this is a grievous mistake.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit’s Position in the Trinity “

Christ – In the Eternal State 

      Christ in the Eternal State - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It would seem only logical that with Christ ruling and reigning on the earth following His defeat of the Antichrist all would then be well with the earth.  Satan is confined to the bottomless pit, the carnage of Armageddon will be passed, and the utopia longed for by humanity since the time it was lost in Genesis 3 has finally arrived.  Poverty and disease will be no more.  Righteousness will cover the earth.  Continue reading “Christ – In the Eternal State “