Babies in Death Remain Redeemed

Since personal salvation is contingent upon one’s believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on our behalf, what, then, is the status of babies who did not live long enough to understand or exercise that required faith? What happens to babies, newborns, still-borns, and the aborted whose lives were cruelly terminated while they were still in the womb? Continue reading “Babies in Death Remain Redeemed”

Baptism by the Holy Spirit

      The Holy Spirit and His Baptism - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Few issues are as confusing and divisive among believers in Christ as our present subject: the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.  The leading cause for confusion is in assuming the word “baptize” is synonymous with water.  Yet, in most instances where the word “baptize” is used, it has nothing to do with water.  Perhaps, it will help to clarify the issue by understanding there are two distinct ideas set forth in Scripture as regards baptism.  Continue reading “Baptism by the Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration 

      The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration of Spirits - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There are several very important ministries the Spirit of God conducts in the lives of all who are believers.  No exceptions.  In fact, without the Spirit of God performing these spiritual operations, one cannot be a believer.  They are all supernatural and cannot be accomplished in any other way apart from the gracious intervention of the Holy Spirit.  Included among these supernatural realities, without which no one can be a Christian, are these: regeneration, baptism, sealing, and indwelling. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration “

Christ – His Baptism and Temptation 

      Christ: His Baptism and Temptation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why was Jesus Christ baptized by John, the Baptist?  John, the Baptist, preach to His audience of Jews that they were to repent of their sin and undergo ceremonial water baptism to have their sins remitted.  Little wonder, then, that John refused to baptize Jesus when He arrived on the scene.  Christ simply didn’t qualify for John’s baptism since He was holiness personified and devoid of sin.  Nevertheless, Christ insisted because, as an obedient Jew, He wished to identify with the godly remnant of Israel, saying, “Allow it now to be so, for thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness.”  Continue reading “Christ – His Baptism and Temptation “