Christ Did Not Come to Condemn

      Christ Did Not Come To Condemn - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are barely through the first half of these segments on this particular tenth compact disk of Christianity Clarified, and we continue to elaborate on the theme pursued at the outset. It is the oft-repeated subject matter relating to the provision God made for the entire world, and we do so without apology. This is because, as far as all of humanity of all of the ages is concerned, there is no more important subject. Each of us is going to survive the death of our physical body with our human spirit, our immaterial self, existing somewhere. Continue reading “Christ Did Not Come to Condemn”

Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 2)

      Christ Drew All Men To Him - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Our Lord Jesus Christ made a straight-forward statement in John 12:32 when he said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” The “lifted up” is undeniably speaking of His impending crucifixion whereby He would literally be lifted up by being placed on a cross. What He meant by “drawing all men unto Him” cannot be speaking of popularity or acceptance because all men have not and are not so drawn to Him. Continue reading “Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 2)”

The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ 

      The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

A perfect example of the cooperation and harmony of the members of the Trinity is exhibited in the earthly life of Christ.  Not only was the Savior conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, the virgin, He was present at the baptism of Christ in the form of a dove, subsequently led Christ into the wilderness for His temptation experience by Satan, which ordeal would confirm His moral fitness as Israel’s Messiah and Savior of the world.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ “

The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ

      The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

All three synoptic gospels… Matthew, Mark, and Luke… record the temptation account of Jesus Christ.  Why John does not, we are not told.  Perhaps it was due to John’s emphasis upon the deity, the Godhood of Jesus, that John excludes it.  We are told that “God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man.”   And while John certainly affirms the humanity of Jesus as well as His deity, the other three gospels make more of Christ’s humanity than does John.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ”

Christ – In the Eternal State 

      Christ in the Eternal State - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It would seem only logical that with Christ ruling and reigning on the earth following His defeat of the Antichrist all would then be well with the earth.  Satan is confined to the bottomless pit, the carnage of Armageddon will be passed, and the utopia longed for by humanity since the time it was lost in Genesis 3 has finally arrived.  Poverty and disease will be no more.  Righteousness will cover the earth.  Continue reading “Christ – In the Eternal State “

Christ – His Ultimate Reign 

      Christ: His Ultimate Reign - Pr. Marv Wiseman

George Frederick Handel, understandably struck by the claims of the Word of God as he read the 11th chapter of Revelation, was compelled to set it to music.  Out of his fascination and compulsion, the famous oratorio bearing his name and the name of his subject was born.  Known worldwide and performed frequently with great exuberance, Handel’s Messiah, or Jesus, the Messiah, as seen and set to music by George Frederick Handel…what an elaborate, absolute masterpiece.  Continue reading “Christ – His Ultimate Reign “

Christ – His Ultimate Judgment 

      Christ: His Ultimate Judgment - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Given the various governments established today that are entrenched in power throughout the world, it is, indeed, difficult to image them all swept aside as they are forced to fold.  Kings and presidents, dictators, warlords, prime ministers, all existing heads of all existing states, in excess of two hundred governmental entities will come to an abrupt end.  None shall be able to stand against the long-absent but returned King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Continue reading “Christ – His Ultimate Judgment “

Christ – His Second Coming (Part 2 )

      Christ: His Second Coming - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Those familiar with the subject of biblical prophecy will recall the many times the coming of Christ is mentioned, but, what many do not realize is that both the first and the second comings are referenced multiple times, scores of times, and the Second Coming is prophesied in much more detail many more times than the prophecies concerning His first coming to Bethlehem as the Babe in the manger.  Continue reading “Christ – His Second Coming (Part 2 )”

Christ – His Second Coming (Part 1)

      Christ: His Second Coming - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There is, perhaps, no issue that so captures the imagination of the world at large more than the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Such has been the case since His departure from the Mount of Olives, when He bodily ascended out of sight in the presence of His apostles.  And, it may be said with certainty that no one then believed two thousand years would pass, and His promise of returning would still not be realized.  Continue reading “Christ – His Second Coming (Part 1)”

Christ – His Coming for His Church 

      Christ: His Coming for His Church - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The coming of Christ for His Church is a truth that is fraught with controversy among believers in the Lord Jesus.  Much of the controversy could be eliminated by a careful reading of 1st Thessalonians 4, 1st Corinthians 15, and Titus 2.  In this latter reference of Titus 2, believers are admonished to be looking for the “blessed hope in the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Continue reading “Christ – His Coming for His Church “

Christ – His Church is His Spiritual Body 

      Christ: His Church is His Spiritual Body - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Christ’s Church is His spiritual body.  What does that mean?  Christ revealed this to Paul so he could record it for our learning.  It’s so stated in Ephesians 1.  When speaking of Christ, Paul said, “He was raised from the dead, and sat at God’s right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but in the world to come: and has put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all.” Continue reading “Christ – His Church is His Spiritual Body “

Christ – His Post-Ascension Ministry 

      Christ: His Post Ascension Ministry - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We’re not given great details about what it is that Christ is engaged in doing following His ascension to Heaven.  We do know He sat down by the Majesty on high, in Hebrews 1, that He is making intercession for the saints in Hebrews 7, yet there is another very strategic engagement Christ fulfilled that is frequently overlooked, and the consequences of this endeavor are truly staggering.  We speak of what the ascended Christ provided by way of new information to Paul, the apostle, formerly Saul of Tarsus.  Continue reading “Christ – His Post-Ascension Ministry “

Christ – His Bodily Ascension to Heaven 

      Christ: His Bodily Ascension to Heaven - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Apart from the two accounts we have from the inspired pen of Dr. Luke, the beloved physician, we really have no information about the ascension of Christ.  The good doctor mentions it in both of the books he wrote, both in Luke and in the Acts…and in Luke, it’s the last chapter, and in Acts, it’s the first…and it had to have been really something. Continue reading “Christ – His Bodily Ascension to Heaven “

 Christ – His Post-Resurrection Appearances 

      Christ: His Post-Resurrection Appearances - Pr. Marv Wiseman

For our Lord Jesus Christ to have risen from the dead was astoundingly remarkable in itself, and, had He only appeared to a few, it would have been additionally remarkable.  But His repeated appearances, not merely to His close disciples but to above 500 persons at once, most of whom were still alive as Paul, the apostle, rendered the account in 1st Corinthians 15.  All this is beyond astounding. Continue reading ” Christ – His Post-Resurrection Appearances “

Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection 

      Christ: The Necessity of His Resurrection - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The necessity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead should be intuitively obvious to even the casual observer of Christian teaching.  Merely consider the alternative to His rising from the dead.  It’s to have not risen from the dead.  Other options are non-existent.  Scripture reminds us, in the great chapter dealing with the resurrection, 1st Corinthians 15, “If the dead rise not, then is Christ not risen; and, if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” “Vain” means “to no purpose, empty, invalid.” Continue reading “Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection “

Christ – The Efficacy of His Death 

      Christ: The Efficacy of His Death - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Admittedly, it is a fair question and a very important question.  How could it be that one single Person, even Jesus Christ…how could that one Person possibly be able to effect the redemption of an entire humanity, consisting not of millions of people but untold billions?  That’s with a “B”…untold billions of people.  After all, Christ was but one single human Being.  True it is; He was one single human Being, but He was also one single divine Being, and that’s what made the difference.  In His uniqueness, Jesus Christ was the God-man, the theanthropic One.  He was the enfleshment of deity, the incarnated One.  Continue reading “Christ – The Efficacy of His Death “

Christ – The Exclusivity of His Salvation 

      Christ: The Exclusivity of His Salvation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The biblical insistence upon man’s salvation being secured exclusively through the finished work of Christ remains a major objection that many have about Christianity.  In this present day of religious pluralism, the idea of the exclusivity of Christ is met with increased hostility.  It is a narrowness many simply cannot abide.  The principle reason for their objection is always the same.  Their conclusions are reached as a result of their personal logic and reasoning and, to them, it simply doesn’t seem right that there should be but one way to heaven.  Continue reading “Christ – The Exclusivity of His Salvation “

Christ – The Necessity of His Death 

      Christ: The Necessity of His Death - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In Romans 3, the Apostle Paul speaks of the death of Christ as revealing the righteousness of God.  How is that?  How could Jesus dying on a Roman cross possibly have anything to do with God being righteous?  It did serve to prove that man was unrighteous by carrying out the cruel crucifixion of the One utterly undeserving of such an end.  But how did Jesus Christ on the Cross demonstrate the righteousness of God?  Herein lies one of the most critical yet least understood aspects of biblical Christianity.  Continue reading “Christ – The Necessity of His Death “

Christ – His Baptism and Temptation 

      Christ: His Baptism and Temptation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why was Jesus Christ baptized by John, the Baptist?  John, the Baptist, preach to His audience of Jews that they were to repent of their sin and undergo ceremonial water baptism to have their sins remitted.  Little wonder, then, that John refused to baptize Jesus when He arrived on the scene.  Christ simply didn’t qualify for John’s baptism since He was holiness personified and devoid of sin.  Nevertheless, Christ insisted because, as an obedient Jew, He wished to identify with the godly remnant of Israel, saying, “Allow it now to be so, for thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness.”  Continue reading “Christ – His Baptism and Temptation “

Christ – To Israel for the World 

      Christ: To Israel for the World - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In the Old Testament Scriptures, so revered by Jews in the nation of Israel, repeated prophecies are given regarding the coming of their Messiah as promised by God.  The miraculous nature of His birth, the very place of His birth, the lineage and royal line of His birth are all foretold with unmistakable clarity.  The very reason for His coming, that of accomplishing human redemption and the means of death through which He would do it, accompanied by the prophecy of His resurrection from the dead…it’s all there.  Even though the Christ would come to address and affect the entirety of humanity, yet it was specifically through the tiny nation of Israel that He would accomplish this.  Continue reading “Christ – To Israel for the World “