Christ – His Incarnation 

      Christ: His Incarnation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Nothing known to man in all his past, present, or future will have had such an enormous impact in its accomplishment or in its ramifications as this singular event.  We speak of that monumental act when God became man.  Theologians called it the “incarnation”.  Incarnation is related to the word “carnivorous”, having to do with meat or flesh.  Flesh-eating animals are called “carnivorous”, as opposed to herbal or vegetarians like elephants.  Continue reading “Christ – His Incarnation “

Christ – His Commission from His Father 

      Christ: His Commission from His Father - Pr. Marv Wiseman

How can Jesus Christ, the Son of God, be said to be equal to the Father?  Isn’t the Father superior to the Son?  At least as Progenitor and in existence?  In human terms, yes.  But, in terms of Deity, No.  While we think of rank and authority by merely listing the Father first, as in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is a mistake to regard them as Father-more important, Son – of next importance, and Holy Spirit – of lesser importance still.  We’re not dealing in human terms here.  Continue reading “Christ – His Commission from His Father “

Christ in His Pre-existence 

      Christ in His Pre-existance - Pr. Marv Wiseman

For many people worldwide who are not aware of what the Bible says, Jesus Christ came into existence when He was born of Mary in Bethlehem.  Well, it’s certainly true that His humanity began there, just as the familiar Christmas story reveals it.  But His beginning in Bethlehem must be limited to His humanity.  While that was His historical, human point of entry, it was most-assuredly not His beginning as a Person for in His personhood, He had no beginning.  Continue reading “Christ in His Pre-existence “

Christ in the Trinity 

      Christ in the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have briefly identified numerous areas in which the person of Jesus Christ stands in an utterly unique category to any and all others who have ever existed or ever will.  This One, this Jesus of Nazareth, proclaimed to be the Son of God with power, evidenced by His resurrection from the dead, has no peers.  With whom would you compare Him?  Continue reading “Christ in the Trinity “

Christ – His Utter Uniqueness

      Christ´s Utter Uniqueness - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It is only fitting that the following series devoted to the personhood of Jesus Christ be commenced with an understanding of His uniqueness.  Virtually everything about Christ, who He was and is, what He did and will do, is thoroughly unique.  The word “unique” conveys the one-of-a-kind meaning that must surely apply to Christ.  So many things that are true of Him are not true of any other being.  He stands utterly alone.  Continue reading “Christ – His Utter Uniqueness”