Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 2)

      Christ Tasted Death For All - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The theme we are following reveals the very essence of what Christianity is all about, and that is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One would think this pivotal point of all human history would be well understood by now. After all, this truth has been proclaimed for two thousand years, but it isn’t well understood. Great confusion and misunderstanding still abound. Continue reading “Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 2)”

Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 1)

      Christ Tasted Death For All - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

One very common objection to the claims of Christianity, perhaps the most frequent objection of all, is its claim to the exclusivity of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. “Why,” we are asked, “must you Christians be so narrow in your claim that Christ is the only way to God?” But, it was not our idea. Continue reading “Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 1)”

Christ Did Not Come to Condemn

      Christ Did Not Come To Condemn - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are barely through the first half of these segments on this particular tenth compact disk of Christianity Clarified, and we continue to elaborate on the theme pursued at the outset. It is the oft-repeated subject matter relating to the provision God made for the entire world, and we do so without apology. This is because, as far as all of humanity of all of the ages is concerned, there is no more important subject. Each of us is going to survive the death of our physical body with our human spirit, our immaterial self, existing somewhere. Continue reading “Christ Did Not Come to Condemn”

Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 1)

The subject of human salvation and the afterlife logically ought to be man’s most compelling issue. Why? Because life itself and its preservation is foremost to us all. The status and continuation of life beyond this life is of paramount importance, again assuming one is thinking logically. Nothing man faces, whoever he is, wherever he is, or whenever he is can compete with that issue in importance. Continue reading “Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 1)”

The Scope of Christ’s Reconciliation (Part 2) 

      The Scope of Christ´s Redemption (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The scope of Adam’s transgression still bears all its telltale signs throughout the world and is best described as our last enemy, death.  It’s everywhere, and it will, in one way or another, claim us all.  This is a result of Adam’s transgression referred to in Romans 5.  If death is a result of Adam’s disobedience, what, then, is the result of Christ’s obedience?  Life, the very opposite.  In direct proportion to what the sin of Adam produced, death, the righteousness of Christ produced the opposite…life.  Continue reading “The Scope of Christ’s Reconciliation (Part 2) “

The Scope of Christ’s Reconciliation (Part 1) 

      The Scope of Christ´s Redemption (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The scope of Adam’s transgression has been described as universal, that there was no aspect of creation not impacted and altered by it.  Adam’s transgression turned the entirety of creation into something God had not created it to be when He pronounced it very good after the sixth day.  Not only did man and all his progeny, including us, fall with him and in him, but, also, all over which Adam had been given dominion fell also.  Continue reading “The Scope of Christ’s Reconciliation (Part 1) “

The Scope of Adam’s Transgression (Part 1)

      The Scope of Adam´s Transgression (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We would be the first to admit that there is much we do not know nor understand about our first parents’ initial disobedience and rejection of their Maker’s authority.  We do, however, know something firsthand of the consequences thereof.  And, what are those consequences?  Well, for starters, we are going to die.  Yes, die.  We are all infected with a terminal moral disease called “sin”, and it will kill us all, just like it has already killed the billions who have gone before.  Continue reading “The Scope of Adam’s Transgression (Part 1)”

The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 3)

      The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 3) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The biblical record of the making and creating of man in Genesis 1 and 2 is thoroughly engrossing.  God made Adam physically and created Adam spiritually.  His body was the material, and His spirit was the immaterial.  Together, they constituted the human soul.  This combination, and it alone, is peculiar to human beings, separating humans from all other biological life produced by God.  Continue reading “The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 3)”

The Holy Spirit and His Sealing 

      The Holy Spirit and His Sealing - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The sealing of the Holy Spirit upon the life and person of every believer is one more divine gracious provision of God to instill a sense of comfort and security in the Christian.  Few things increase our index of appreciation more than realizing our safety and security in Christ.  God does not want us to serve or worship Him because we stand in abject fear and horror of being disowned by Him but because we are so grateful to Him for what He has done for us through Christ. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Sealing “

Christ – His Coming for His Church 

      Christ: His Coming for His Church - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The coming of Christ for His Church is a truth that is fraught with controversy among believers in the Lord Jesus.  Much of the controversy could be eliminated by a careful reading of 1st Thessalonians 4, 1st Corinthians 15, and Titus 2.  In this latter reference of Titus 2, believers are admonished to be looking for the “blessed hope in the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Continue reading “Christ – His Coming for His Church “

Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection 

      Christ: The Necessity of His Resurrection - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The necessity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead should be intuitively obvious to even the casual observer of Christian teaching.  Merely consider the alternative to His rising from the dead.  It’s to have not risen from the dead.  Other options are non-existent.  Scripture reminds us, in the great chapter dealing with the resurrection, 1st Corinthians 15, “If the dead rise not, then is Christ not risen; and, if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” “Vain” means “to no purpose, empty, invalid.” Continue reading “Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection “

Christ – The Efficacy of His Death 

      Christ: The Efficacy of His Death - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Admittedly, it is a fair question and a very important question.  How could it be that one single Person, even Jesus Christ…how could that one Person possibly be able to effect the redemption of an entire humanity, consisting not of millions of people but untold billions?  That’s with a “B”…untold billions of people.  After all, Christ was but one single human Being.  True it is; He was one single human Being, but He was also one single divine Being, and that’s what made the difference.  In His uniqueness, Jesus Christ was the God-man, the theanthropic One.  He was the enfleshment of deity, the incarnated One.  Continue reading “Christ – The Efficacy of His Death “

Christ – The Necessity of His Death 

      Christ: The Necessity of His Death - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In Romans 3, the Apostle Paul speaks of the death of Christ as revealing the righteousness of God.  How is that?  How could Jesus dying on a Roman cross possibly have anything to do with God being righteous?  It did serve to prove that man was unrighteous by carrying out the cruel crucifixion of the One utterly undeserving of such an end.  But how did Jesus Christ on the Cross demonstrate the righteousness of God?  Herein lies one of the most critical yet least understood aspects of biblical Christianity.  Continue reading “Christ – The Necessity of His Death “