The Holy Spirit and Christian Fanaticism 

      The Holy Spirit and Christian Fanaticism - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The person of the Holy Spirit and the doctrine attending Him have suffered at the hands of Christian fanaticism.  Such has been true in every generation.  Some have the mistaken notion that to be under the control of the Holy Spirit one must exhibit bazaar or weird behavior.  Some manifest animal sounds and flakey physical gyrations as an evidence of the Holy Spirit’s influence.  Little wonder people looking on and witnessing such a debacle want nothing to do with that kind of religion.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Christian Fanaticism “

The Holy Spirit and His Sealing 

      The Holy Spirit and His Sealing - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The sealing of the Holy Spirit upon the life and person of every believer is one more divine gracious provision of God to instill a sense of comfort and security in the Christian.  Few things increase our index of appreciation more than realizing our safety and security in Christ.  God does not want us to serve or worship Him because we stand in abject fear and horror of being disowned by Him but because we are so grateful to Him for what He has done for us through Christ. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Sealing “

The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling 

      The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God in the very life and body of the believer is one of the most comforting and assuring truths of all Scripture and of the life experience of the Christian.  This indwelling means precisely what it seems.  It is the very act of the Holy Spirit of God taking up residency in the spirit of the individual Christian from the moment he becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus until the time of his physical death, when the believer becomes absent from his body and present with the Lord in heaven.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling “

Baptism by the Holy Spirit

      The Holy Spirit and His Baptism - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Few issues are as confusing and divisive among believers in Christ as our present subject: the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.  The leading cause for confusion is in assuming the word “baptize” is synonymous with water.  Yet, in most instances where the word “baptize” is used, it has nothing to do with water.  Perhaps, it will help to clarify the issue by understanding there are two distinct ideas set forth in Scripture as regards baptism.  Continue reading “Baptism by the Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 2)

      The Holy Spirit and Pentacost - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It is critical to understand the reasons behind the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts, chapter 2.  Failure to do so has resulted in severe confusion and disagreement among Christians.  There are few issues that have divided believers so much as Acts 2 and its interpretation.  Consider, first of all, what made the day of Pentecost the Day of Pentecost.  It was not the arrival of the Holy Spirit.  It was not the rushing mighty wind, and it was not the speaking and hearing in languages not previously known.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 2)”

The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 1)

      The Holy Spirit and Pentacost - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Prior to the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, He informed His disciples that, even though He would be leaving them, they would not be without comfort, the reason being that the Holy Spirit, another member of the Triune Godhead, would compensate for the absence of Himself.  Being omnipresent, there was no time or place devoid of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, Christ told them in John 14 that, in addition to the Holy Spirit being with them, He would now be in them.  Chapters 14, 15, and 16 provide more details about the Holy Spirit than any other passage in the New Testament. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Part 1)”