Christ Saves the Worst Among Us

      Christ Saves the Worst Among Us - Pr. Marv Wiseman

While the Scripture throughout reveal that Christ died for the entire world, it is implied that the world needed dying for, and that death would have to be accomplished by One not tainted by sin Himself. He could not die substitutionally for others if He had sin of His own to contend with. Man, in his spiritual naivety would like to think that Christ died for those who were worthy and deserving of Him. But, human worthiness and deservedness negates the need for a Savior. Continue reading “Christ Saves the Worst Among Us”

God’s Desire for Man’s Salvation (Part 1)

      God´s Desire For Man´s Salvation - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Earlier reference was made to 2nd Peter 3 and God’s patience with man, patience because He was “not willing that anyone perish but that all should come to repentance.” But, the word for “willing” in 2nd Peter 3:9 is not the word for “will” in 1st Timothy 2:4. It is a word to express “desire or preference” and allows room for man’s volition to align itself with God’s preference. Continue reading “God’s Desire for Man’s Salvation (Part 1)”

Babies in Death Remain Redeemed

Since personal salvation is contingent upon one’s believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on our behalf, what, then, is the status of babies who did not live long enough to understand or exercise that required faith? What happens to babies, newborns, still-borns, and the aborted whose lives were cruelly terminated while they were still in the womb? Continue reading “Babies in Death Remain Redeemed”

All Are Born Redeemed

Romans 7, verse 9, presents a very puzzling statement, and, while we cannot be dogmatic about our understanding of it, it, nonetheless, deserves our consideration, especially since Paul presents it in an almost matter-of-fact manner as if its meaning is a given. And, while we think we are grasping its meaning, we still admit we are not as certain of it as we would like to be. So, see what you think about it. Continue reading “All Are Born Redeemed”

Reconciliation is Corporate and Personal

A curious passage is found in 1st Timothy 4 where the Apostle Paul states, “For therefore we labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.” Really? The Savior of all men does sound inclusive, does it not? But, then, he adds, “especially of those that believe.” Is he saying that Christ is the Savior of all in one sense and, then, in another, Savior of those who believe? How can this be? Continue reading “Reconciliation is Corporate and Personal”

Universal Reconciliation Versus Universal Salvation

The biblical teaching of the universal reconciliation of the world is often rejected by Christians because they mistake it for universal salvation. They are not the same, not at all. Universal salvation is a doctrinal aberration, contrary to Scripture. It insists that all of humanity will ultimately be saved in the final analysis, and none will be permanently separated from God. The Scriptures give the lie to this in both the Old and New Testaments. Then, why do some teach it? Continue reading “Universal Reconciliation Versus Universal Salvation”

The Institution of Substitution (Part 1) 

      The Institution of Substitution (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

When Adam and Eve attempted to clothe themselves with fig leaves, it was an obvious admission of guilt.  Adam and Eve’s fig leaf fiasco was a self-help attempt to cover their guilt, but guilt can never be removed by the offender.  Only the offended party can remove the offender’s guilt.  In their case, the offended party was the very God who created them, and only He could remove their guilt and affect reconciliation.  Continue reading “The Institution of Substitution (Part 1) “

The First Revelation of God’s Grace (Part 3) 

      The First Revelation of God´s Grace (Part 3) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

While we cannot be dogmatic about our understanding of human composition, it does appear to best fit the biblical model.  To repeat from an earlier session, it was noted quite clearly in Genesis 2:7 that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.  The equation would, then, appear to be the physical body plus the breath of life God breathed into it together comprise the human soul.  Continue reading “The First Revelation of God’s Grace (Part 3) “

The First Revelation of God’s Grace (Part 2) 

      The First Revelation of God´s Grace (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Adam and Eve, because of their willful sin and disobedience to God, not only hid from Him but attempted to cover their nakedness with an assortment of fig leaves.  There’re multiple things here we do not understand.  Their anxiety over their exposure of their private parts caused them to fashion the fig leaves to cover their nakedness.  Continue reading “The First Revelation of God’s Grace (Part 2) “

The First Revelation of God’s Grace (Part 1)

      The First Revelation of God´s Grace (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The perpetual reality of the God of creation being a gracious God who is kindly disposed to His creation is not only evident through human history, but it is found to surface as early as Genesis, chapter 3. And, why there? Because it was there, in Genesis 3, that the desperate need for the grace of God was first manifested. It came hard on the heels of our first parents’ moral failure and rejection of their Creator’s authority. Continue reading “The First Revelation of God’s Grace (Part 1)”