Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 2)

      Christ Drew All Men To Him - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Our Lord Jesus Christ made a straight-forward statement in John 12:32 when he said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” The “lifted up” is undeniably speaking of His impending crucifixion whereby He would literally be lifted up by being placed on a cross. What He meant by “drawing all men unto Him” cannot be speaking of popularity or acceptance because all men have not and are not so drawn to Him. Continue reading “Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 2)”

The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation 

      The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The spectacular announcement of the angelic announcement that Gabriel, the angel, made to Mary, a Galilean virgin peasant girl, cannot be over-exaggerated.  It was, and is, monumental in all its ramifications.  Upon hearing what Gabriel told her… that she was to conceive in her womb and bear a child, that the child was not just any child but the One and only who would be called the Son of the Most High, and that this Son of hers would be the recipient of His Father David’s throne…Mary was understandably perplexed. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation “

Christ – The Efficacy of His Death 

      Christ: The Efficacy of His Death - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Admittedly, it is a fair question and a very important question.  How could it be that one single Person, even Jesus Christ…how could that one Person possibly be able to effect the redemption of an entire humanity, consisting not of millions of people but untold billions?  That’s with a “B”…untold billions of people.  After all, Christ was but one single human Being.  True it is; He was one single human Being, but He was also one single divine Being, and that’s what made the difference.  In His uniqueness, Jesus Christ was the God-man, the theanthropic One.  He was the enfleshment of deity, the incarnated One.  Continue reading “Christ – The Efficacy of His Death “

Christ – His Incarnation 

      Christ: His Incarnation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Nothing known to man in all his past, present, or future will have had such an enormous impact in its accomplishment or in its ramifications as this singular event.  We speak of that monumental act when God became man.  Theologians called it the “incarnation”.  Incarnation is related to the word “carnivorous”, having to do with meat or flesh.  Flesh-eating animals are called “carnivorous”, as opposed to herbal or vegetarians like elephants.  Continue reading “Christ – His Incarnation “