Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 1)

The subject of human salvation and the afterlife logically ought to be man’s most compelling issue. Why? Because life itself and its preservation is foremost to us all. The status and continuation of life beyond this life is of paramount importance, again assuming one is thinking logically. Nothing man faces, whoever he is, wherever he is, or whenever he is can compete with that issue in importance. Continue reading “Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 1)”

The Alternative to Substitution 

      The Alternative to Substitution - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The principle of substitution has been briefly examined and has its origins in the early chapters of Genesis.  It was in chapter 3 that God Himself provided a substitute to answer to the guilt of Adam and Eve.  He did so in the innocent animals He obviously slew so as to provide coats of covering for the nakedness of our first parents.  But, why should there be any substitution?  Continue reading “The Alternative to Substitution “

The Holy Spirit and How He is Received 

      The Holy Spirit and How He is Received - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The Romans 8 text is quite clear in its assertion that anyone not possessing the Holy Spirit of Christ is none of His.  This being the case, the equally clear matter of concern with how one obtains the Spirit of Christ.  What are the necessary qualifications for receiving the Holy Spirit?  Answers are diverse and numerous, largely depending upon one’s denominational connections and the particular position held by its governing body.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and How He is Received “