Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 2)

      Christ Tasted Death For All - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The theme we are following reveals the very essence of what Christianity is all about, and that is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One would think this pivotal point of all human history would be well understood by now. After all, this truth has been proclaimed for two thousand years, but it isn’t well understood. Great confusion and misunderstanding still abound. Continue reading “Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 2)”

Christ – His Second Coming (Part 1)

      Christ: His Second Coming - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There is, perhaps, no issue that so captures the imagination of the world at large more than the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Such has been the case since His departure from the Mount of Olives, when He bodily ascended out of sight in the presence of His apostles.  And, it may be said with certainty that no one then believed two thousand years would pass, and His promise of returning would still not be realized.  Continue reading “Christ – His Second Coming (Part 1)”

Christ – His Coming for His Church 

      Christ: His Coming for His Church - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The coming of Christ for His Church is a truth that is fraught with controversy among believers in the Lord Jesus.  Much of the controversy could be eliminated by a careful reading of 1st Thessalonians 4, 1st Corinthians 15, and Titus 2.  In this latter reference of Titus 2, believers are admonished to be looking for the “blessed hope in the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Continue reading “Christ – His Coming for His Church “

Christ – His Bodily Ascension to Heaven 

      Christ: His Bodily Ascension to Heaven - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Apart from the two accounts we have from the inspired pen of Dr. Luke, the beloved physician, we really have no information about the ascension of Christ.  The good doctor mentions it in both of the books he wrote, both in Luke and in the Acts…and in Luke, it’s the last chapter, and in Acts, it’s the first…and it had to have been really something. Continue reading “Christ – His Bodily Ascension to Heaven “

 Christ – His Post-Resurrection Appearances 

      Christ: His Post-Resurrection Appearances - Pr. Marv Wiseman

For our Lord Jesus Christ to have risen from the dead was astoundingly remarkable in itself, and, had He only appeared to a few, it would have been additionally remarkable.  But His repeated appearances, not merely to His close disciples but to above 500 persons at once, most of whom were still alive as Paul, the apostle, rendered the account in 1st Corinthians 15.  All this is beyond astounding. Continue reading ” Christ – His Post-Resurrection Appearances “

Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection 

      Christ: The Necessity of His Resurrection - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The necessity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead should be intuitively obvious to even the casual observer of Christian teaching.  Merely consider the alternative to His rising from the dead.  It’s to have not risen from the dead.  Other options are non-existent.  Scripture reminds us, in the great chapter dealing with the resurrection, 1st Corinthians 15, “If the dead rise not, then is Christ not risen; and, if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” “Vain” means “to no purpose, empty, invalid.” Continue reading “Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection “