The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 2)

      The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The question has been posed regarding how God, who knows everything including the future, could be responsible for having created as He did and whom He did when He knew the course they would take; of course, diametrically opposed to His own nature and character.  Why did He instill the ability to make moral choices in the angel Lucifer, who would, then, become Satan?  Continue reading “The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 2)”

The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 1)

      The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The disastrous results of the original rebellion of our first parents is incalculable.  Their sin resulted in the moral and spiritual contamination of themselves and all their descendants.  Disease and death are the predictable and inevitable realities every generation since the first have suffered.  The question almost automatically surfaces: If God knows everything, Continue reading “The Necessity of Human Volition (Part 1)”