The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ

      The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ - Pr. Marv Wiseman

All three synoptic gospels… Matthew, Mark, and Luke… record the temptation account of Jesus Christ.  Why John does not, we are not told.  Perhaps it was due to John’s emphasis upon the deity, the Godhood of Jesus, that John excludes it.  We are told that “God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man.”   And while John certainly affirms the humanity of Jesus as well as His deity, the other three gospels make more of Christ’s humanity than does John.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ”

Christ – His Baptism and Temptation 

      Christ: His Baptism and Temptation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why was Jesus Christ baptized by John, the Baptist?  John, the Baptist, preach to His audience of Jews that they were to repent of their sin and undergo ceremonial water baptism to have their sins remitted.  Little wonder, then, that John refused to baptize Jesus when He arrived on the scene.  Christ simply didn’t qualify for John’s baptism since He was holiness personified and devoid of sin.  Nevertheless, Christ insisted because, as an obedient Jew, He wished to identify with the godly remnant of Israel, saying, “Allow it now to be so, for thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness.”  Continue reading “Christ – His Baptism and Temptation “