The Inexhaustibility of the Bible

      The Inexhaustibility of the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Anyone spending serious time perusing the pages of the Bible will surely come to some inescapable conclusions about its uniqueness. One of those likely conclusions is that this Book, and its themes, simply has no bottom. One can forget about plumbing its depths or overtaking the sublimity of its heights. We are dealing with a volume that speaks of a myriad of subjects that prompts investigation. Yet, upon doing so, in however an extensive study one may engage, the conviction is always there that one has merely scratched the surface. There is more, so much more, than has been ferreted out. This speaks of the inexhaustibility of the Bible. Keep Reading

The Bible Validates Itself

      The Bible Validates Itself - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Christians are often asked why they believe the Bible to be the Word of God, and how do we know that it is? Well, our best answer is that the Bible says it is the Word of God. But then we are told, “Well, that’s using the Bible to prove the Bible. You can’t do that. That’s committing a logical fallacy called ‘circular reasoning’. Would you believe what a man tells you if he is a frequently proven liar? If he told you something and you ask him for a verification, only to be told that you should believe him because he told you so, well, that’s crazy. You can’t ask a frequent, proven liar if he is telling you the truth and then have any confidence in his answer.” Keep Reading

The Progressive Revelation of God

      The Progressive Revelation of the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Bearing in mind that the Bible is a book of progressive revelation, one’s understanding and appreciation of the Scriptures is dramatically enhanced. And what do we mean by “progressive revelation?” Principally, just this: Doesn’t it seem only logical that since the Bible was compiled over a span of 15plus centuries, it was gradual in its making? Think of it this way: From the first year that Scripture was inspired of God, enabling those beginning writings to be recorded, until its conclusion 1500 years later, there was involved a gradual, increasing disclosure of what God wanted revealed. Keep Reading

The Bible Knows Us (Part 2)

      The Bible Knows Us - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

For any who are fairly familiar with the Bible, you can readily attest to the statement that we have frequently referred to by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, “The Bible is a book such as man would not write if he could, and could not write if he would.”  This is profoundly true.  The old Book simply transcends human capability in its expressions, its content, breadth and depth, its morality, its simplicity on the one hand and its profundity on the other.  There is no volume of literature that exceeds it or equals it.  But someone may ask, “If the Bible enjoys such a stellar position among all writings, why has it engendered its great opposition?  What is the basis for the ridicule and rejection of such a treasured volume of prose and poetry?” Keep Reading…

The Bible Knows Us ( Part 1)

      The Bible Knows Us - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have quoted the statement by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer and the insightful observation he made that “the Bible is a book such as man could not write if he would, and would not write if he could.”  In the former case that man could not write the Bible if he would, we point to the unparalleled beauty given forth in Scripture.  The employ of language, of expression so profound in both prose and poetry.  The Bible possesses an exquisite literary quality that is so sublime all others, including the bard himself, simply pale by comparison.  It appears the Book is other worldly, and it is.  The source from which it originated is as other worldly as you can get.  Keep Reading…

The Purpose of the Bible

      The Purpose of the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Most Bible scholars would agree that 2 Timothy 3, verses 16 and 17, set forth the intent and objective of the Bible as succinctly and straightforwardly as any passage could.  Paul, the apostle, penning his final letter before his martyrdom, wrote these words to young Timothy, his protégé, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be mature, thoroughly furnished unto every good work.”  Nothing of value is left untouched in these verses: doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness… pretty well covers the waterfront. Keep Reading…

The Accuracy of Biblical History

      The Accuracy of Biblical History - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Archaeological investigation has consistently proved to be a supporting ally of the Bible.  While honest archaeological science is not, and should not be undertaken to verify the Bible because real science strives for an unbiased objectivity, none-the-less, one dig after another has served to validate the claims of Scripture.  Despite the numerous charges over the decades offered by liberal critics of the Bible, one by one they continue to be buried as the spade of the archaeologist proceeds.  Names, places, events and dates, too many to enumerate, insist on verifying what the Bible records… who was involved, what happened, and where.  Keep Reading…

The Preservation of the Bible (Part 2)

      The Preservation of the Bible - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There’s no disputing the fact that much of humanity over thousands of years has had a love affair with the Bible.  It’s due, of course, to their love affair with the God of the Bible.  The Bible is viewed like a prolonged love-letter from the One Whom their soul loves.  These lovers of the Book revere it as coming directly from God, through man, by the process of divine inspiration.  This conviction results in man loving and obeying its contents, being edified and encouraged by them, enlightened and warned by them, comforted and admonished by them.  But, their positive responses to the Bible are surely not universal.  The old Book has had, and still has, its detractors and deniers. Keep Reading…

The Preservation of the Bible (Part 1)

      The Preservation of the Bible - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

None other than Jesus Christ Himself has said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Word shall not pass away.” With each passing day the Savior has made good His Word. Not that there have not been a multiple of attempts to make His Word pass away, because there have been. Kings, dictators and other despots have sought to completely eliminate the Bible from its very existence. Yet the “Old Book” masterfully presses on, oblivious to the puny human efforts to bury it. Keep Reading…

The Circulation and Distribution of the Bible

      The Circulation and Distribution of the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The Bible not only outstrips all other writings and copies printed and distributed no other writing even comes close. And while its unparalleled printing and circulation does not prove the Bible to be the Word of God, it certainly is a formidable evidence for it. After all, isn’t that what one would expect if it is in fact God´s Word? Does it not strike us as expected for the very God of the universe to have authored a book, and then to have it on the world’s perpetual bestseller status? Keep Reading…

Translations & Languages of the Bible

      Translations and Languages of the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Human language is surely the ultimate and priceless means of communication among mankind. It is the principal means of conveying what is in the mind of one person to the mind of another. When the sending mind originates a message and conveys it to the receiving mind, with both parties getting the same message, communication has occurred. If a different message is perceived by the receiver than that sent by the sender, we call it “a miscommunication.” Surely this required preciseness sets forth the critical nature of words. Words are the essence of communication, whether spoken, written, or conveyed in sign language. Keep Reading…

The Authority of the Bible (Part 1)

      The Authority of the Bible (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The issue of authority in general, and biblical authority in particular, is rightly identified as the critical, watershed issue for all of humanity, for all of time. Now, that’s a very expansive statement. Yes, it is, and we are confident it is accurate. Because the Bible, in no uncertain terms, sets forth the God of creation as the ultimate authority on all issues of life and death, it’s claims are absolutely true or absolutely false. There is no middle slot to jump into.

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What Is The Bible´s Focus?

      What is the Bible´s Focus? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

A familiar complaint often heard among the Bible’s critics is that it is outdated and outmoded. “How,” they ask “can such an ancient writing possibly have anything of relevance to say to today’s modern and sophisticated man?” In the Bible there are no trans-oceanic jet planes, no orbiting or moon visiting spacecraft, no computers, no iPhones, TV, or not so much as an old fashion radio. No doubt about it. The Bible is hopelessly out-of-date in regard to man’s latest inventions and gadgetry.

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What About the Bible and Modern Science?

      What About the Bible and Modern Science? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have made the point in the past that whatever we believe is inseparably linked to what we accept as the authority behind the matter. And authority is especially vital in the area of origins – how earth and man came to be. The lines are clearly drawn, or ought to be, when it comes to recognizing biblical authority versus scientific authority. Or we could say biblical authority versus man’s authority, because the authority behind the latest scientific position is man. And while we readily and gratefully acknowledged the contribution of science, and they are several, we are foolish to worship at its altar as some do.

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The Finality of the Scriptures

      The Finality of the Scriptures - Pr. Marv Wiseman

This is Marv Wiseman inviting you to Christianity Clarified, dealing with several important truths misunderstood by non-Christians, and often by professing Christians. Our goal is to make biblical faith clear, and we emphasize “biblical” because much passed off as Christianity is not biblical. Yet, apart from the Bible, we have no valid support for truths we hold dear. It is all we have upon which to base our faith, and it is all we need. However, many regard human authority superior to the Bible. Modern pagans worship at the altars of science and psychology, elevating those as ultimate authorities, despite these false gods being disproved time and again. No doubt this is due partly to issues of antiquity and modernity.

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The Bible – Yes or No?

      The Bible: Yes or No? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

From the time man first understood what the Bible claim to be and from whom it claimed to have originated, it has since been regarded as earth´s most prized and precious possession. Merely the fact that it is a revelation given by God, in and of itself, makes it valued beyond all other valuables. But, is it the Revelation that claims to be? One thing is certain – it is or it is not. The law of the excluded middle is invoked and rejects the possibility of there being any middle ground. No gray-ness here.  Nothing but black or white.

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The Bible and Christianity Clarified

      The Bible and Christianity Clarified - Pr. Marv Wiseman

If we are in any wise going to clarify Christianity, we are cast entirely upon the Bible to do so. This is because apart from the Scriptures, there is no Christianity and nothing to clarify. This means we are of necessity appealing to the Bible as not merely our authority, but as our only authority. Perhaps you have heard the expression that… “the Bible is our only rule for faith and practice.” Is the Bible worthy of this kind of total reliance? Have Christians simply surrendered their brains to an old book?

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Why Is The Bible Our Only Sourcebook?

      Why Is the Bible Our Only Sourcebook? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Of the first 10 sessions of Christianity Clarified, we’ve presented explanations of how and why Christianity Clarified began. The remaining 8 sessions contained a very brief but critically important explanation of the major events of all human history. We began with the Genesis creation account, followed by the failure and moral fall of our first parents that plunged all of humanity into the death cycle. This followed closely by God’s gracious promise of a coming redeemer, who would be the offspring of the woman and would deal a final defeat to the adversary that tempted her. Earth’s early population was destroyed, excepting Noah, his family and the occupants of the ark.

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