Christ’s Paramount Mission

      Christ´s Paramount Mission - Pr. Marv Wiseman

That there is unmistakable cooperation involving all three members of the Triune God in the creation of the world is unchallenged by any serious student of the Bible. In fact, such three-fold activity is evident at numerous historical events in the history of the world. Among these are what we should think of as the most critical of all, at least as regards human welfare and eternal destiny. Continue reading “Christ’s Paramount Mission”

God is Spirit

      God is Spirit - Pr. Marv Wiseman

God is Spirit, but what is that?  And how do we know God is Spirit.  We know because it’s declared by revelation.  Jesus Christ Himself said so.  He disclosed this to the woman at the well in Samaria in John, chapter 4.  Jesus meant that God is not physical but that He is non-physical, immaterial.  God is not made of physical stuff as our bodies comprised of flesh and bone.  Continue reading “God is Spirit”

The Holy Spirit’s Position in the Trinity 

      The Holy Spirit in the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In this present series, we undertake the doctrine of the Holy Spirit of God.  He… and He is referred to in the masculine gender… is not a “thing”, but an “it”, a person.  Not only a person but a divine Person and one who is a full-fledged equal member of the Triune Godhead.  Because the Holy Spirit is commonly referred to as the third Being of the Trinity, as in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, He’s frequently relegated to a role of lesser authority and importance than the Father and the Son, and this is a grievous mistake.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit’s Position in the Trinity “

Christ – His Commission from His Father 

      Christ: His Commission from His Father - Pr. Marv Wiseman

How can Jesus Christ, the Son of God, be said to be equal to the Father?  Isn’t the Father superior to the Son?  At least as Progenitor and in existence?  In human terms, yes.  But, in terms of Deity, No.  While we think of rank and authority by merely listing the Father first, as in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is a mistake to regard them as Father-more important, Son – of next importance, and Holy Spirit – of lesser importance still.  We’re not dealing in human terms here.  Continue reading “Christ – His Commission from His Father “

Christ in the Trinity 

      Christ in the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have briefly identified numerous areas in which the person of Jesus Christ stands in an utterly unique category to any and all others who have ever existed or ever will.  This One, this Jesus of Nazareth, proclaimed to be the Son of God with power, evidenced by His resurrection from the dead, has no peers.  With whom would you compare Him?  Continue reading “Christ in the Trinity “