Honest Questions About Authority

      Honest Questions About Authority - Pr. Marv Wiseman

If the Bible is not the very Word of God, we will simply be making much ado about nothing. In fact, what you will be hearing on future segments of Christianity Clarified will be a mere time waster and not ultimately helpful to you at all. But if it, is it is indeed the singular “enscripturated” revelation from the Creator God and it deserves more time and attention than the rest of our lives can give it. Because we are already convinced this latter position is the correct one, we want to enumerate for you how our consideration of the following topics has brought us to our settled conclusion long ago.

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Current Objections from our Culture

      Current Objections from Our Culture - Pr. Marv Wiseman

As regards Christianity, in a statement a Believer may make about his faith, may well be responded to by someone saying, “Oh yeah, who says?” And when the Christian replies, “Well, God says, right here in the Bible.” The next retort will likely be, “Well, big deal. Why should I believe that, just because you’re Bible says so? It was just written by a bunch of men. So, who made the Bible to be the authority?”

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The Authority of the Bible (Part 1)

      The Authority of the Bible (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The issue of authority in general, and biblical authority in particular, is rightly identified as the critical, watershed issue for all of humanity, for all of time. Now, that’s a very expansive statement. Yes, it is, and we are confident it is accurate. Because the Bible, in no uncertain terms, sets forth the God of creation as the ultimate authority on all issues of life and death, it’s claims are absolutely true or absolutely false. There is no middle slot to jump into.

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What Is The Bible´s Focus?

      What is the Bible´s Focus? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

A familiar complaint often heard among the Bible’s critics is that it is outdated and outmoded. “How,” they ask “can such an ancient writing possibly have anything of relevance to say to today’s modern and sophisticated man?” In the Bible there are no trans-oceanic jet planes, no orbiting or moon visiting spacecraft, no computers, no iPhones, TV, or not so much as an old fashion radio. No doubt about it. The Bible is hopelessly out-of-date in regard to man’s latest inventions and gadgetry.

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What About the Bible and Modern Science?

      What About the Bible and Modern Science? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have made the point in the past that whatever we believe is inseparably linked to what we accept as the authority behind the matter. And authority is especially vital in the area of origins – how earth and man came to be. The lines are clearly drawn, or ought to be, when it comes to recognizing biblical authority versus scientific authority. Or we could say biblical authority versus man’s authority, because the authority behind the latest scientific position is man. And while we readily and gratefully acknowledged the contribution of science, and they are several, we are foolish to worship at its altar as some do.

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The Finality of the Scriptures

      The Finality of the Scriptures - Pr. Marv Wiseman

This is Marv Wiseman inviting you to Christianity Clarified, dealing with several important truths misunderstood by non-Christians, and often by professing Christians. Our goal is to make biblical faith clear, and we emphasize “biblical” because much passed off as Christianity is not biblical. Yet, apart from the Bible, we have no valid support for truths we hold dear. It is all we have upon which to base our faith, and it is all we need. However, many regard human authority superior to the Bible. Modern pagans worship at the altars of science and psychology, elevating those as ultimate authorities, despite these false gods being disproved time and again. No doubt this is due partly to issues of antiquity and modernity.

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The Bible – Yes or No?

      The Bible: Yes or No? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

From the time man first understood what the Bible claim to be and from whom it claimed to have originated, it has since been regarded as earth´s most prized and precious possession. Merely the fact that it is a revelation given by God, in and of itself, makes it valued beyond all other valuables. But, is it the Revelation that claims to be? One thing is certain – it is or it is not. The law of the excluded middle is invoked and rejects the possibility of there being any middle ground. No gray-ness here.  Nothing but black or white.

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The Bible and Christianity Clarified

      The Bible and Christianity Clarified - Pr. Marv Wiseman

If we are in any wise going to clarify Christianity, we are cast entirely upon the Bible to do so. This is because apart from the Scriptures, there is no Christianity and nothing to clarify. This means we are of necessity appealing to the Bible as not merely our authority, but as our only authority. Perhaps you have heard the expression that… “the Bible is our only rule for faith and practice.” Is the Bible worthy of this kind of total reliance? Have Christians simply surrendered their brains to an old book?

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Why Is The Bible Our Only Sourcebook?

      Why Is the Bible Our Only Sourcebook? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Of the first 10 sessions of Christianity Clarified, we’ve presented explanations of how and why Christianity Clarified began. The remaining 8 sessions contained a very brief but critically important explanation of the major events of all human history. We began with the Genesis creation account, followed by the failure and moral fall of our first parents that plunged all of humanity into the death cycle. This followed closely by God’s gracious promise of a coming redeemer, who would be the offspring of the woman and would deal a final defeat to the adversary that tempted her. Earth’s early population was destroyed, excepting Noah, his family and the occupants of the ark.

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Explaining Christianity Clarified

      Explaining Christianity Clarified - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Being a new and unknown program, I want to explain who we are and what we are about. I´m Marv Wiseman, and Christianity Clarified consists of 3-minute segments of explanations focusing on various aspects of the Christian faith. The goal is to clarify great theological Biblical concepts in easily understood terms for the average layperson. God’s great truths revealed in Scripture are too important to be misunderstood or unappreciated by the very people for whom they were intended.

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When Will the Rejected Redeemer Return?

      When Does The Rejected Redeemer Return? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

When will the rejected Redeemer return? We don’t know. Unlike human governments, heaven never leaks, but keeps all the secrets it wants to keep. We may be certain of one thing: Galatians 4 tells us that it was in the fullness of time that God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. This means that God the Father knew just precisely when the best possible time arrived for the entrance of Jesus into the world. That’s when He sent Him. That was for the first coming of Jesus to Bethlehem. We expect nothing less by way of strategic timing when God has Him return for the second coming.

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What Are The Times Of The Gentiles?

      What Are the Times of the Gentiles? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

What are the times of the Gentiles? This is a fascinating prophecy and it speaks of a fascinating time. We are currently living in the times of the Gentiles. It refers to the supremacy or domination of the Gentiles. And who are the Gentiles? Anyone who is not Jewish is a Gentile, and that’s most of us. So what does the times of the Gentiles mean? It refers to the times that Gentiles are in the driver’s seat of the world powers and decisions.

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Why Did Israel Reject Her Messiah?

      Why Did Israel Reject Her Messiah? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why did Israel reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah? As the spirit of God inspired and authored all four of the gospels, each of them open their early chapters with the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth whom they identify with God’s long-promised Messiah. He is on the scene, spellbinding the masses with his undeniable miracles – everything from water into wine, multiplying loaves and fishes so as to feed thousands. How did He do that?

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How Did The Promised Redeemer Arrive?

      How Did the Promised Redeemer Arrive? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

God’s gracious response to man’s need for Redemption because of his Son was in the promise of the Redeemer. In Genesis 3, a veiled promise is given that this Redeemer God will provide would come from humanity itself. An offspring of Adam and Eve. Later in Genesis, it’s clear that the line of descent will narrow through Noah and one of his three sons, Shem. It is traced from Shem to and through the direct descendant Abraham, as revealed in Genesis 11 and 12, then onward to Isaac and Jacob, and of Jacob, his twelve sons became the progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel.

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Was Noah´s Ark Real?

      Was Noah´s Ark Real? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Was there really a divine destruction of the first human civilization referred to as “Noah’s flood?” Indeed, there was. Not only is the official and authoritative record of it found in Genesis 6 through 8, but numerous traditions of the great flood have been perpetuated from different areas in the world. Not all their details agree with the Genesis account, but the major aspects of the flood, its survivors and its victims, are all there. Men have always been reluctant to take the Bible at face value – not believing that it really does mean what it says.

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What Was The Promise For Reversing Death?

      What Was the Promise for Reversing Death? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

What provision has been made to reverse human death? Only one, and only the Scriptures reveal it. A breathtakingly glorious passage,  2 Corinthians 5, tells us, “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.” And that “Christ, who knew no sin, was made to be seen on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” And Romans 6 reminds us, “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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Why Are People The Way They Are?

      Why are People As They Are? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why are people in the world the way they are? It’s all due to what is called “The Fall.” Romans 5:18 tells us, “Through one transgression [Adams], there resulted condemnation to all men.” All of corporate humanity was in the loins of our first parent, Adam. We are all part of Adam’s DNA. Adam´s death became our death in the same way Christ´s life is our life. Death is not the sensation of being, but a separation. Separation of the spirit from the body is physical death, and separation of the spirit from God is spiritual death. Adam died spiritually immediately upon partaking after Eve in Genesis 3. Years later, he also died physically – a process that began years earlier. Death for us all, the sickness and debilitation it brings with it, are all part of the original consequences of Adam’s sin passed on to us.

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Where Did It All Begin?

      When and How Did Everything Begin? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This is the Biblical history of earth and humanity. Without apology, we look to the Bible as the only available authoritative account of earth and human origins. The first two chapters of Genesis contain a divinely inspired record of creation in six literal days, and ceasing for the seventh, thus establishing worldwide the 7-Day week still in place.

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An Introduction

      Introduction - Pr. Marv Wiseman

This is Marv Wiseman with an introduction to a brand new program aired here for the very first time today. It´s called “Christianity Clarified.” Christianity Clarified has come to life because of a death – the death of Barbara, my beloved wife and soul-mate for nearly 50 years.

What began as an ordinary Saturday morning in March of 2006, ended in the intensive care unit at the hospital twenty hours later. A CAT scan had revealed profuse bleeding in the worst possible part of her brain. There had been no previous symptoms or warning prior to this massive cerebral hemorrhage.

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