LORD = Adonai 

      Lord: Adonai - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The last in the list of names that designates the Deity is the name “Adonai”, “A-d-o-n-a-i”.  It’s different from other names assigned to the Deity because Adonai is also often used of men as well as the Deity.  While the name “Jehovah” is spelled in most English Bibles in all capital letters, Adonai is also translated in our English Bibles “Lord”, but only the first letter “L” is capitalized, with the “o-r-d” being in lowercase letters.  Continue reading “LORD = Adonai “

El-Elyon & El-Shaddai

      El-Elyon and El-Shaddai - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In our ongoing consideration of the names of Deity, we need to include two of importance but seldom used.  Both names begin by the first two letters of Elohim, namely, the “El”.  In order of their appearance in Scripture, they are El-Elyon and El-Shaddai.  The first, El-Elyon, is found in Genesis 14:18.  It centers around Abraham’s encounter with the mysterious personage of Melchizedek.  He is called the “priest of God most high” or “the most high God”.  The Hebrew is El-Elyon.  Continue reading “El-Elyon & El-Shaddai”

Christianity Clarified and Its Goals 

      Christianity Clarified - Origin and Goal - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Apart from the goal of Christianity Clarified being expressed in its very name, there are other goals about this project we would like to explain.  The motivation for creating Christianity Clarified arose from the sudden homegoing of my beloved wife Barbara, to whom I was privilege to be married for nearly 50 years.  From the beginning of our married life, Barbara had been very keen on the authority and value of the Bible.  Continue reading “Christianity Clarified and Its Goals “

Usage of Jehovah in Human Names 

      Usage of Jehovah in Human Names - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Having noted the fascinating connection between the name of God, Elohim, and how it is inserted into the many names the Hebrews gave their children, we now engage the same kind of usage with the name “Jehovah”.  The “a-h” ending of Jehovah is utilized in much the same way as “E-l”, the name for God.  We noted the name “Elijah” actually incorporates both Elohim and Jehovah.  The “El” references God, and the “j-a-h” references Jehovah.  Continue reading “Usage of Jehovah in Human Names “

LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name – “Jehovah” (Part 3)

      LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name - \"Jehovah\" (Part 3) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The distinction between the names of Deity expressed as “God” and “LORD” is important.  You may be sure the Holy Spirit, who inspired all of Scripture, did not allow the names for Deity to be used haphazardly or capriciously.  Where the word “LORD” was needed, “LORD” was used, and where the word “God” was needed, “God” was used.  Continue reading “LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name – “Jehovah” (Part 3)”

LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name – “Jehovah” (Part 2)

      LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name - \"Jehovah\" (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Six thousand, eight hundred twenty-three times, that’s how often the name “LORD” is used in the Bible as it refers to the Deity.  The usage of LORD far surpasses the use of all other names that address the Almighty, and the first time we encounter an explanation of the name is when the Creator speaks with Moses in Exodus, chapter 3.  You may recall it is in connection with His having called Moses to go to pharaoh and demand the release of the enslaved Israelites.  Continue reading “LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name – “Jehovah” (Part 2)”

LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name – “Jehovah” (Part 1)

      LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name - \"Jehovah\" (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are briefly examining each of the names used in reference to the Creator throughout the Bible.  It seems logic to consider them in the order of their occurrence.  Our next designation for the Deity is LORD.  The English versions capitalize each letter of the name L-O-R-D, but the name translated “LORD” in our English Bibles is very different in the Hebrew language as was penned by Moses, whom God inspired to give us the first five books of the Bible.  Moses wrote “Y-H-V-H”.  What is that?  That’s the “tetragrammaton”, “tetra” meaning “four” and “grammaton” meaning “letters”, or the designation for the Deity that Moses wrote was “Y-H-V-H”.  How would you pronounce that?  Continue reading “LORD: Deity´s Most Used Name – “Jehovah” (Part 1)”

Usage of “Elohim” in Human Names 

      Usage of Elohim in Human Names - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The manner and frequency with which the names of deity are built into the actual names of people highlights their importance.  One can easily see the desire as a human to incorporate the name of your deity into one’s own name, and this is done all throughout Scripture, both Old and New Testaments.  It was a human’s way of honoring God by incorporating his name into the names of their children.  Continue reading “Usage of “Elohim” in Human Names “

The Meaning of “God” – Elohim 

      The Meaning of \"God\" - Elohim - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Attention has been given to the designation of the deity using the name “God”, G-o-d.  Strikingly, we have noted that God is in the plural form, as found in the original Hebrew in which the Old Testament was written, and, it isn’t merely such in Genesis 1:1, where God created the heavens and the earth, but it’s same plural form is found another thirty-one times in Genesis, chapter one, alone.  So what does this name “God” actually mean?  Continue reading “The Meaning of “God” – Elohim “

The Different Names of Deity 

      The Different Names for Deity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The names of the deity as they appear in Scripture, beginning with Genesis, are as follows: the first is God, appearing in the very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, the familiar “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  The word “God”, in our English version, is different in Hebrew, which was the actual language of the original Genesis document that was penned by Moses.  That word is “Elohim”, E-l-o-h-i-m.  Continue reading “The Different Names of Deity “

Equality in the Trinity 

      Equality In the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have undertaken a very brief consideration of the Trinity, the triune nature of the Godhead, consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  It should be noted and included that there is no rank in the Trinity.  While it’s true that there appears to be such, especially when we refer to Them as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it looks, on the surface, as if the Father is in command, the Son second in command, and the Spirit third in command.  This cannot be due to the eternity of each.  Continue reading “Equality in the Trinity “

Misconceptions About the Trinity (Part 2)

      Misconceptions About the Trinity (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In discussing erroneous ideas that many non-Christians have about the Trinity, some of the most bazaar and farfetched ideas one could imagine are floating out there around the world.  One of the extreme examples to be cited in connection with this involved a conversation that took place between a devout Muslim and an equally devout Christian.  The Christian was relating the gospel of Christ to the Muslim and explained that Jesus Christ was, indeed, the Son of God who became man’s Savior through His substitutionary death on the Cross.  Continue reading “Misconceptions About the Trinity (Part 2)”

Misconceptions About the Trinity (Part 1)

      Misconceptions About the Trinity (Part 1) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There are numerous popular but utterly erroneous ideas about the Trinity throughout the world.  A common misunderstanding is called “modalism”.  Modalists believe the Trinity is explained by seeing God, who is One, fulfill different roles at different times.  Sometimes God functions as a Father, sometimes as a Son, and sometimes as the Holy Spirit.  Yet, while fulfilling one role as one the Persons of the Trinity, the other two do not exist, not until the Father takes off his Father’s “hat” and puts on the hat of the “Son” or the “Spirit”, in which case the other two do not exist.  Continue reading “Misconceptions About the Trinity (Part 1)”

The Trinity and the Nicene Creed 

      The Trinity and the Nicene Creed - Pr. Marv Wiseman

No subject is surrounded with such profound mystery and yet so often referred to, directly and indirectly, in all of Scripture than that of the Trinitarian nature of the one true God.  The Nicene Creed expresses it thusly, dating from the fourth century: “We believe in one God, Father Almighty, Maker of all things seen and unseen, and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father, only begotten that is from the essence of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God a very God, begotten not made, of one essence with the Father, by Whom all things were made both of which are in heaven and which are on earth, and in the Holy Ghost.”  Continue reading “The Trinity and the Nicene Creed “

The Trinity in Genesis 1 (Part 2)

      The Trinity in Genesis 1 (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We need not venture far from Genesis 1:1, where the plural form for God is used in the original Hebrew until we encounter other mysterious uses of the plural.  The word “Elohim” is “Gods”, plural.  Yet, it is translated in English “God”, singular.  Trinitarians are persuaded this very first verse of the Bible indicates a plurality of persons in the Deity.  It could be more easily dismissed if it were not for multiple other expressions.  In Genesis 1:26, we encounter, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.”  Some have tried to insert angels here, thinking they aided God in the creation of man, but such is utterly without warrant.  Continue reading “The Trinity in Genesis 1 (Part 2)”

The Trinity in Genesis 1 (Part 1)

      The Trinity in Genesis 1 (Part 2) - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Genesis 1:1 opens with the familiar statement, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  Seems clear enough, doesn’t it?  At least in English, but the Old Testament’s original language was Hebrew.  The English says, “G-O-D,” singular, created the heavens and he earth.  But the Hebrew says, “Elohim, E-l-o-h-i-m”, created the heavens and the earth.  The peculiar thing about Elohim is its plurality, not singularity.  What?  Are you sure?  Yes, I’m quite sure.  Hebrew and Christian scholars are sure also.  Why, then, isn’t it translated “In the beginning, Gods created the heavens and the earth?”  Continue reading “The Trinity in Genesis 1 (Part 1)”

The Trinity – A Matter of Revelation 

      The Trinity: A Matter of Revelation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are engaged in a brief consideration of the Trinity.   Some outside the Christian faith reject it because they consider the triune nature of God illogical or even heretical.  We respond by saying the infinite, eternal God functions on a level of logic that transcends the level of the human.  Perhaps the composition of God’s very being is chiefest among the differences that separate the Creator from His creatures.  And, it is also true, we admitted, that there is no clear passage of Scripture that expresses God as One, yet subsisting in three Persons.  Continue reading “The Trinity – A Matter of Revelation “

The Trinity and Its Meaning 

      The Trinity and It´s Meaning - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are considering a doctrine described as a major obstacle that prevents many from embracing the Christian faith.  It is that of the triune nature of God.  We began this consideration by acknowledging the Trinitarian concept to transcend our limited logic.  We believe there are many aspects of God that transcend our ability to comprehend them.  Yet, it is not our ability to comprehend the revelation of the nature of God that makes it true.  What makes it true is what God has revealed about Himself.  To what degree we do or do not comprehend what He has revealed has nothing to do with its truthfulness.  Continue reading “The Trinity and Its Meaning “

The Trinity – Man’s Logic vs. God’s 

      The Trinity: Man´s Logic vs. God´s - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Perhaps no doctrine of the Christian faith provides such a formidable sticking point preventing people from embracing Christianity as what we engage in this present study.  That subject is the Trinitarian nature of the God of the Bible.  It is, in fact, such an impediment to people, appearing so contrary to logic and reason, one wonders if it had not been better had the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Bible, simply withheld the very notion of the Trinity.  So, why didn’t He?  I speak as a fool.  Continue reading “The Trinity – Man’s Logic vs. God’s “

Introduction to Theology

      Introduction to Theology - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Without equivocation or fear of contradiction, we can say the study upon which we now enter is the most sublime and important of any and all topics of which human beings can apply themselves.  This study commences and concerns the character and nature of God Almighty.  It’s called “theology”, which simply means “the study of God.”  The only possible and logical rejection of this premise is in the event that no such being as God exists, in which case pursuing any investigation would be foolish and futile.  Continue reading “Introduction to Theology”