God’s Part and Your Part (Part 1)

      God´s Part and Your Part - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Efforts have been made to establish and affirm one very important and straightforward concept that permeates Scripture, and the New Testament in particular. It is so straightforward and plain one should feel embarrassed not to acknowledge it. Christ died a substitutionary death for the sins of, and on behalf of, the entirety of the human race, past, present, and future. No exceptions. Insisting that Christ died for all does require the redemption of all humanity. This is because the sin of Adam resulted in the falleness of all humanity. No exceptions. Continue reading “God’s Part and Your Part (Part 1)”

Christ Saves the Worst Among Us

      Christ Saves the Worst Among Us - Pr. Marv Wiseman

While the Scripture throughout reveal that Christ died for the entire world, it is implied that the world needed dying for, and that death would have to be accomplished by One not tainted by sin Himself. He could not die substitutionally for others if He had sin of His own to contend with. Man, in his spiritual naivety would like to think that Christ died for those who were worthy and deserving of Him. But, human worthiness and deservedness negates the need for a Savior. Continue reading “Christ Saves the Worst Among Us”

Christ’s Paramount Mission

      Christ´s Paramount Mission - Pr. Marv Wiseman

That there is unmistakable cooperation involving all three members of the Triune God in the creation of the world is unchallenged by any serious student of the Bible. In fact, such three-fold activity is evident at numerous historical events in the history of the world. Among these are what we should think of as the most critical of all, at least as regards human welfare and eternal destiny. Continue reading “Christ’s Paramount Mission”

The Gospel in a Nutshell

      The Gospel In A Nutshell - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It is arguably the most often quoted verse in all of Scripture. It’s been called the “Gospel in a Nutshell”, and we speak, of course, of the beloved John 3:16. We even see zealous Christians waving the name and number of John 3:16 on handmade placards at ball games and other sporting events, anywhere a roving camera can pick it up and transmit it to the millions who are watching TV in their home. Continue reading “The Gospel in a Nutshell”

Christ’s Death was For All

      Christ´s Death Was For All - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Of all the several passages declaring God’s love and redemption for the entire human race, the Apostle John speaks so clearly to the issue, both in his gospel and his first epistle near the end of the New Testament. In 1st John, chapter 2, unmistakable language is used in his saying that Christ is the “propitiation,” or satisfaction, “for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” For our sins and not ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world? Continue reading “Christ’s Death was For All”

Christ’s Ransom was for All

      Christ´s Ransom Was For All - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In the Apostle Paul’s continuation of his theme to his young protégé, he adds in 1st Timothy 2 that there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus. Simple enough, clear enough, not much needed for this Christianity to be clarified. Or, is there? Well, there shouldn’t be, but there is. There shouldn’t be because words mean something. There is because some are always looking for a way around the words when they refuse to take them at face value. Continue reading “Christ’s Ransom was for All”

Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 2)

      Christ Tasted Death For All - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The theme we are following reveals the very essence of what Christianity is all about, and that is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One would think this pivotal point of all human history would be well understood by now. After all, this truth has been proclaimed for two thousand years, but it isn’t well understood. Great confusion and misunderstanding still abound. Continue reading “Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 2)”

Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 1)

      Christ Tasted Death For All - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

One very common objection to the claims of Christianity, perhaps the most frequent objection of all, is its claim to the exclusivity of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. “Why,” we are asked, “must you Christians be so narrow in your claim that Christ is the only way to God?” But, it was not our idea. Continue reading “Christ Tasted Death for All (Part 1)”

Christ Did Not Come to Condemn

      Christ Did Not Come To Condemn - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are barely through the first half of these segments on this particular tenth compact disk of Christianity Clarified, and we continue to elaborate on the theme pursued at the outset. It is the oft-repeated subject matter relating to the provision God made for the entire world, and we do so without apology. This is because, as far as all of humanity of all of the ages is concerned, there is no more important subject. Each of us is going to survive the death of our physical body with our human spirit, our immaterial self, existing somewhere. Continue reading “Christ Did Not Come to Condemn”

God’s Desire for Man’s Salvation (Part 2)

      God´s Desire For Man´s Salvation - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In writing to young Timothy, Paul, the apostle, states in 1st Timothy 2 that “God will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” Once again, we take “all men” to mean all of mankind. Barkley states it, “who wants all persons to be saved”, and Williams says, “God is ever willing for all mankind to be saved.” Continue reading “God’s Desire for Man’s Salvation (Part 2)”

God’s Desire for Man’s Salvation (Part 1)

      God´s Desire For Man´s Salvation - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Earlier reference was made to 2nd Peter 3 and God’s patience with man, patience because He was “not willing that anyone perish but that all should come to repentance.” But, the word for “willing” in 2nd Peter 3:9 is not the word for “will” in 1st Timothy 2:4. It is a word to express “desire or preference” and allows room for man’s volition to align itself with God’s preference. Continue reading “God’s Desire for Man’s Salvation (Part 1)”

God was Determined for Man’s Salvation

      God´s Will For Man´s Salvation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

A most comforting verse for any serious person who is searching for God is found in 2nd Peter 3:9. In it, the Apostle Peter tells us “God is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” “Slackness”, or negligence, connotes the idea of being irresponsible, or dilatory; that is, not making good on what one promised in a timely fashion. God did not do that. Continue reading “God was Determined for Man’s Salvation”

Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 2)

      Christ Drew All Men To Him - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Our Lord Jesus Christ made a straight-forward statement in John 12:32 when he said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” The “lifted up” is undeniably speaking of His impending crucifixion whereby He would literally be lifted up by being placed on a cross. What He meant by “drawing all men unto Him” cannot be speaking of popularity or acceptance because all men have not and are not so drawn to Him. Continue reading “Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 2)”

Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 1)

The subject of human salvation and the afterlife logically ought to be man’s most compelling issue. Why? Because life itself and its preservation is foremost to us all. The status and continuation of life beyond this life is of paramount importance, again assuming one is thinking logically. Nothing man faces, whoever he is, wherever he is, or whenever he is can compete with that issue in importance. Continue reading “Christ Drew All Men to Him (Part 1)”

Babies in Death Remain Redeemed

Since personal salvation is contingent upon one’s believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on our behalf, what, then, is the status of babies who did not live long enough to understand or exercise that required faith? What happens to babies, newborns, still-borns, and the aborted whose lives were cruelly terminated while they were still in the womb? Continue reading “Babies in Death Remain Redeemed”

All Are Born Redeemed

Romans 7, verse 9, presents a very puzzling statement, and, while we cannot be dogmatic about our understanding of it, it, nonetheless, deserves our consideration, especially since Paul presents it in an almost matter-of-fact manner as if its meaning is a given. And, while we think we are grasping its meaning, we still admit we are not as certain of it as we would like to be. So, see what you think about it. Continue reading “All Are Born Redeemed”

Reconciliation is Corporate and Personal

A curious passage is found in 1st Timothy 4 where the Apostle Paul states, “For therefore we labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.” Really? The Savior of all men does sound inclusive, does it not? But, then, he adds, “especially of those that believe.” Is he saying that Christ is the Savior of all in one sense and, then, in another, Savior of those who believe? How can this be? Continue reading “Reconciliation is Corporate and Personal”

Universal Reconciliation Versus Universal Salvation

The biblical teaching of the universal reconciliation of the world is often rejected by Christians because they mistake it for universal salvation. They are not the same, not at all. Universal salvation is a doctrinal aberration, contrary to Scripture. It insists that all of humanity will ultimately be saved in the final analysis, and none will be permanently separated from God. The Scriptures give the lie to this in both the Old and New Testaments. Then, why do some teach it? Continue reading “Universal Reconciliation Versus Universal Salvation”

Are You Saved or Merely Savable?

The question is: Are you saved or merely savable? Jesus Christ died for the sins of the entire world, meaning all of humanity who ever lived or whoever would live. But, how could He do that as a solitary figure? His ability to redeem the billions constituting humanity is found in His identity. Jesus Christ was and is the God-man, the theanthropic combination of deity and humanity, representing both entities in His own person. Continue reading “Are You Saved or Merely Savable?”