The Spirit of God is Omniscient (Part 2)

      The Spirit of God is Omniscient - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The all-knowing nature of God is referred to as “omniscience”.  As stunning as the concept is, omniscience must be possessed by the Deity for Him to be sovereign and rule as He sees fit over all His creation.  To suggest there are areas of ignorance in the knowledge of God is to refer to someone other than the Lord God manifested throughout the Bible.  Innumerable occasions are recorded making it obvious God knows the innermost thoughts of all.  In addition, there are hundreds of prophesies recorded in the Old Testament and fulfilled in startling detail in the New that cannot possibly be explained short of God’s omniscience and His knowledge of those events altogether.

Of course, to us it is inconceivable how anyone, God included, could know everything.  The most brilliant and knowledgeable among us must admit to a profound ignorance and unawareness of so very much while the Deity has complete knowledge of every item of information.  But this is precisely what’s required of one who is infinite.  To be “infinite” means to have no limitations in any area of power, wisdom, or presence, and such is so utterly unlike man.  And such is precisely what God is about…so unlike man.  This reality of God prompted the inspired Apostle Paul to speak of it in Romans 11, wherein he said, “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!”

Bear in mind, also, that it is this omniscience, this wisdom and knowledge of the infinite God, that will one day provide the basis for His perfect judgment at that great day of reckoning.  He who searches the hearts of all men knows precisely what is there.  He knows not only deeds but fully knows motivations behind those deeds.  The writer of Hebrews 4 stated it thusly, “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”  

And just how many creatures are there?  Innumerable, to be sure.  And God knows them all?  Well, it certainly seems that way, impossible as it appears.  But when you are the infinite, eternal God who possesses omniscience, it’s merely part of your job description, and God, the omniscient God, is ever on the job.

Lastly, in addition to God’s omniscience being the basis for present and future righteous judgments, it ought to afford us great comfort to know that God knows all, including our pain, our sorrow and grief, as well as our needs and dreams.  And, in His wisdom, He will perfect that which concerns us.  This provides a solace for the human soul the world can never give.


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