What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 1)

      What Comprises the Human Spirit - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The human spirit, possessed by every human being, is that immaterial part of our being that is as real as our physical body.  And, make no mistake about it, every human person possesses a human spirit.  It’s a principle ingredient necessary to humanity.  Even if a person declares himself to be very unspiritual or disinterested in things of the spirit, no matter, he can deny it, but he cannot escape it.  He has a human spirit.

So, what makes up the spirit?  Of what does it consist?  How does the human spirit operate?  For starters, we can only conclude that, since the human spirit is not made of matter, it must, then, be comprised of that which also is not material.  And what might that be?   What is there about you that is very real, that contributes mightily to making you you, but has nothing to do with the physical?   These immaterial ingredients very much establish your identity and the relating of your unique personhood to others.  There is no formal or accepted list of items said to constitute the human spirit, but there are plausible probabilities.

Let’s consider your mind as being the key player in your spiritual being.  We know we have a mind because the Bible tells us we do.  In fact, the Scriptures refer to the human mind hundreds of times, more including references to the mind of God.  And, despite the Bible’s multiplied references to the mind, cutting edge neuroscientists today insist we do not have a mind.  We only think we have a mind. Well, then, we would ask those who study and research humans for a living, what do we have?  We have a brain, say they, and a physical brain only.  No mind, just a brain.  And, the brain, they tell us, is itself capable of generating all necessary non-physical impulses that make up thinking and doing by human beings.  According to these highly-credentialed neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, brain analysts, we can kiss the outdated concept of the mind good-bye.  This is the more common conclusion among many of these top-flight brain specialists today.

And, how did they reach this conclusion?  Well, it appears to be derived from their huge involvement, study, and treatment of the physical brain, and they are outstandingly good at it, life-saving with it, and simply amazing with some of the delicate, precise surgeries they perform on the brain.  The brain, these experts can see, weigh, measure, and evaluate.  It’s about three pounds of gray gelapness-like substance encased in a protective skull, and it’s all physical.  So, what’s physical about the mind?  Absolutely nothing.  It’s non-physical, spiritual, and, on this score alone, many discount it or deny the existence of the mind altogether.

But, we have a problem.  The Bible, while mentioning the mind multiple times, never once uses the word “brain”.  This needs more investigation.


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