Christ Did Not Come to Condemn

      Christ Did Not Come To Condemn - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We are barely through the first half of these segments on this particular tenth compact disk of Christianity Clarified, and we continue to elaborate on the theme pursued at the outset. It is the oft-repeated subject matter relating to the provision God made for the entire world, and we do so without apology. This is because, as far as all of humanity of all of the ages is concerned, there is no more important subject. Each of us is going to survive the death of our physical body with our human spirit, our immaterial self, existing somewhere. God has graciously made provision for us to exist with Him, enjoying all the benefits His love has prepared. This current CD continues to explore God’s accomplishment through His Son Jesus Christ to affect that provision.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this truth as the very best Good News ever delivered to the world, and it still is. In fact, the very word “gospel” means “good news”, more particularly, it is described as the Gospel or Good News revealed about Jesus Christ, God’s sole provision for the redemption of the entire human race. Christ’s substitutionery death for mankind made God accessible to every person who ever lived. While it is true that not all avail themselves of that access, but it is provided for them nonetheless. Those who ignore or reject it do so at their own eternal peril. Our current text, along with others of equal clarity, spells out that marvelous provision. John 3:18 tells us that God did not send His Son “to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” Was that accomplished? Can we possibly assign failure to God? Well, He certainly did fail if He did not realize His objective of reconciling the world to Himself. He failed if the Son He sent specifically to redeem all of humanity did not do that. But, He did do that. God the Father’s ultimate objective in expressing His love for humanity was demonstrated when Christ willingly was sacrificed for man, the creature’s sin.

This is precisely what Jesus meant when He cried out from the Cross, “It is finished.” What was finished was the great task of deity paying the ultimate price on behalf of humanity. This painfully-paid price opened the way of access to all men to come to God through the way that was made for them, namely Christ Himself, declared to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It only remains for man to believe Christ accomplished what the Scriptures say He did and respond to that message of grace with his will…his trusting in Jesus Christ and submitting himself to Him as his only hope for salvation and connecting with God. This is the only positive response to the Gospel. It’s a response made by the one hearing the Good News, a response made by one’s personal volition.

CC 10-11

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