Christ in the Trinity 

      Christ in the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We have briefly identified numerous areas in which the person of Jesus Christ stands in an utterly unique category to any and all others who have ever existed or ever will.  This One, this Jesus of Nazareth, proclaimed to be the Son of God with power, evidenced by His resurrection from the dead, has no peers.  With whom would you compare Him?  Each of those briefly aforementioned areas deserve honorable mention of its own, so we begin with the unique position of Christ and His constitution and position in the Trinity.

The whole concept of the Trinity is off the charts of all mere mortals.  But, however unlikely the concept is to us, make no mistake about it, it is a profound front and center revelation throughout the pages of Scripture.  There is but one God, not three.  Yet, this one God subsists in three Persons.  We know this because Scripture attests to it.  The issue of one God is set forth unmistakably and repeatedly.  So also is the reality of the Father being God, the Son being God, and the Holy Spirit being God.  These three distinct Persons constitute the one God.  How can this be?  I surely don’t know.  Then why do we believe it?  Because God, who cannot lie, has disclosed it by revelation.  Does it sound other worldly?  Well, I guess.  And shouldn’t it sound otherworldly?  It is, and one of the features of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ is that He occupies a position of equality and eternality in this also unique make-up of Deity and its multiple Personages.

Philippians 2 reminds us that Jesus Christ existed in the form of God from eternity past, and that He did not consider that equality with God to be something He insisted on clinging to but He willingly relinquished that rightful position in the Godhead to take upon Himself human flesh, to be made as one of us, in the form of a servant.  He served man and God as a servant, even to the extent of yielding up His life in order to purchase ours.  Nothing could be clearer and nothing more sublime.  “He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us, that we, despite our unworthiness, might become the righteousness of God in Him.”  Does this not have uniqueness written all over it?  There is absolutely no one, no situation, no circumstance in all of history that approaches the scope, the magnitude of this.  And, there is nothing that can be compared with its resulting consequences.

Essentially, this Person of Jesus Christ enjoyed the very most supreme of relationships in eternal fellowship on a plain of equality with His fellows in the thrice holy union of Father and Spirit.  Indeed, it was His being who He was and where He was that made what He did so incomparably significant.  Jesus Christ being unique is an understatement of tremendous proportions, but, for us mortals, it will have to do for now.


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