Christ – The Efficacy of His Death 

      Christ: The Efficacy of His Death - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Admittedly, it is a fair question and a very important question.  How could it be that one single Person, even Jesus Christ…how could that one Person possibly be able to effect the redemption of an entire humanity, consisting not of millions of people but untold billions?  That’s with a “B”…untold billions of people.  After all, Christ was but one single human Being.  True it is; He was one single human Being, but He was also one single divine Being, and that’s what made the difference.  In His uniqueness, Jesus Christ was the God-man, the theanthropic One.  He was the enfleshment of deity, the incarnated One.  Miss this, and you’ve missed the very essence of Christ’s uniqueness.  By unique, we mean “an utterly one-of-a-kind Being”.  It was the very essence and character of His Being that gave such value to what He did on that Cross.  Who Christ was assigned infinite value to what Christ accomplished.  The value of His work stem from the identity of His Person.  Who He was made what He did of such significance and worth, and this, too, is an aspect of biblical Christianity that most of the world just doesn’t get, and it’s absolutely crucial.  This is the whole basis of what Christianity is truly all about.

It was not merely a Galilean peasant carpenter who died on that Cross.  While He was that in His humanity, and in that role He so thoroughly identified with man, yet He was the utterly impeccable sinless and holy eternal Son of the eternal Father.  And, in that role, He so thoroughly identified with God.  We know the value of a human life.  Those who respect it for what it is will go to all sorts of extraordinary lengths to protect and preserve it.  If this reflects the value of a human life, what kind of proportionate value would you place upon God’s life.  While man is made in the image and likeness of God, God is Himself that image, that Being.  We might ask how you would compare the values of that which was created from Him who created it.  Creation came from the Creator, not vice versa.  The thing made does not equal the value of the one who made it.  So, relatively speaking, how would you compare the worth of an ordinary insect to that of a human being?  Somewhat lopsided, wouldn’t you say?  Yes, it is, but not nearly as lopsided as the proportion it values of man whom God created and God Himself who did the creating.  Only one of the two bears infinite worth to His being, and it’s certainly is not man, the creature.

The infinite, inherent, intrinsic value resident in the Person of Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son and member of the Triune Godhead, accomplished the transaction of like infinite value.  This is precisely how this One was more than sufficient in His sacrifice to secure the redemption of untold billions of humans, all of which stood in desperate need of it.  Let us never forget…it was who Jesus Christ really was that gave such value and efficacy to what He did when He made that more-than-adequate payment.


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