An Introduction

      Introduction - Pr. Marv Wiseman

This is Marv Wiseman with an introduction to a brand new program aired here for the very first time today. It´s called “Christianity Clarified.” Christianity Clarified has come to life because of a death – the death of Barbara, my beloved wife and soul-mate for nearly 50 years.

What began as an ordinary Saturday morning in March of 2006, ended in the intensive care unit at the hospital twenty hours later. A CAT scan had revealed profuse bleeding in the worst possible part of her brain. There had been no previous symptoms or warning prior to this massive cerebral hemorrhage.

Before requesting the ventilator be unplugged, family and friends each had a private time of saying their “good-byes” to Barbara. We all spoke to her as if she could hear. But the monitoring device indicated that she probably couldn´t. All I could do was stand by holding her hand. And finally I asked a nurse if there was any way I could get my arms around her. I wanted to hold her – not just hold her hand. “Oh. By all means, “ she said. “You get right up there on the bed and lie beside her.” That was such a gift. I will always treasure that.
Hours later, Barbara died in my arms, and I knew exactly when she took her last breath. Now she is with our Lord and our daughter, Dawn Elizabeth, who died unexpectedly in 1995 at the age of 30. Barbara and I had retired only three months earlier following a 35 year ministry pastoring Grace Bible Church in Springfield, Ohio.
The congregation established a memorial fund in her honor, and generous gifts began pouring in for this dearly loved woman. She had always had a great love for God´s Word, and God´s people. I knew something had to be done with this fund that would be in keeping with her spiritual priorities, and a program like Christianity Clarified seemed a natural project for the Barbara Wiseman Memorial Fund.
These brief 3-minute segments can edify Believers and evangelize those seeking answers – both issues close to Barbara´s heart. Tomorrow, here on this station, we will launch our first teaching segment consisting of eight brief sessions that encompass the entirety of human history in outline form.
My promise to you is that Christianity Clarified will be Biblical in content, critical in importance, concise in explanation, and comprehensive in scope. You are cordially invited to join us daily at this same time on this station for another edition of Christianity Clarified. Barbara would be delighted to have you as a listener.

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