Christianity Clarified and Its Goals 

      Christianity Clarified - Origin and Goal - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Apart from the goal of Christianity Clarified being expressed in its very name, there are other goals about this project we would like to explain.  The motivation for creating Christianity Clarified arose from the sudden homegoing of my beloved wife Barbara, to whom I was privilege to be married for nearly 50 years.  From the beginning of our married life, Barbara had been very keen on the authority and value of the Bible.  With her passing, her convictions, plus my like-minded convictions, provided the impetus for launching the project of Christianity Clarified.  We want to make these vital truths available to all believers everywhere.

Christianity Clarified is a basic, yet comprehensive and extensive, treatment of biblical truths in straightforward terms that all can understand.  It covers each aspect of Christianity and clarifies it to the best of our ability, undergirded by our personal study of the Scriptures for the past fifty years.  A logical place to begin such an undertaking would be the Scriptures themselves, since everything we would be teaching would be inseparably linked to the authority of the Word of God.  Consequently, the first sixty segments of Christianity Clarified treated the several features of God’s Word, all of which pointed to its divine authority and reliability.  These brief segments of only three to four minutes each consisted of brevity that was intended to accommodate the often busy and harried lifestyle of so many in our current culture.  We believe this approach to be unique…the imparting of vital biblical theological content in easily understood, painless three minute snatches of time.

If we can succeed, two major obstacles are removed for people who do not serious engage spiritual issues, and one obstacle is: “I can’t understand the Bible.  It’s too deep for me.”  Well, you can understand Christianity Clarified. And, obstacle two; “I just don’t have time.”  Well, the brevity of Christianity Clarified will be most appreciated on this count.  As smooth of sailing as anyone could imagine for the taking in and understanding of biblical Christianity is literally at your fingertips.

Although the content is copyrighted, permission is granted to duplicate the material at will.  Our objective is to get as much content to as many as possible in as short of time as possible.  When we say free, we mean free.  You will not be placed on a mailing list, and you will not receive letters appealing for funds.  We are able to offer these free CDs due to the generosity of many who contributed to the Barbara Wiseman Memorial Fund.  Christianity Clarified was launched because of her love for the Word of God and God’s people.  We are confident that this undertaking would have met her enthusiastic approval.  Your obtaining these free CDs, should you regard them as helpful, will help enable the objective of Christianity Clarified to be realized.  Please listen carefully for the address to which you may write and obtain your free CD of the current twenty 3-minute segments of Christianity Clarified.


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