God’s Spirit to Man’s Spirit    

      God´s Spirit to Man´s Spirit - Pr. Marv Wiseman

If God is spirit and non-physical, and the Bible says He is, and if man, as God created him, has a non-physical spirit element to his being besides his body, and the Bible says he has, is there some way God connects with man that is also spiritual?  The Bible says there is.  So, what would this connection provide?  What would be its purpose?  It would appear to be one of communication.  Connection and communication are…well, connectives, are they not?  And, what would be communicated between the Creator and His creatures?  How about information?  Can we not also say that as certainly as connection and communication are intertwined so also are communication and information.  What purpose does communication serve other than a dispensing of information?  But information about what?  That would be whatever the one who initiates the contact would want to convey.  In the case at hand, God would be the initiator conveying to His creatures what He wants them to know.  And how would this information from the Sender to the receiver be conveyed…information between God’s spirit and man’s spirit?  It wouldn’t be by telephone, nor internet, nor radio waves.  These are all devises with physical apparatus behind them.  But this information from God, the Sender, to man, the receiver, is also spiritual information.   Can we say the “ultimate” in wireless connection?

Has anyone ever seen this spiritual exchange between the Sender and the recipient?  No, nothing spiritual is perceived by physical senses because it isn’t physical.  Then, how does God get information to the human recipient?  We most certainly do not know, but we know He does because God tells us He has done that.  He just hasn’t told us how He does it.  Romans 1 says that “that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it unto them.”  In them?  How did it get there?  God put it there.  How did He do that?  He communicated the information to them, intangible though it was, and God put it in man, in his spirit, his psyche.  What did He put there?  Well, among other things, He put the knowledge and existence of Himself there, and He did it so adequately that man is declared to be without excuse for failing to honor and responding to the God of creation.

Regardless of what any man, including atheists, may say about there being no God, they know very well in their heart of hearts that it just isn’t so.  All the while they may deny it, they know better.  Does this mean atheists are lying?  Yes, it does, and they are even lying to themselves, tragic but true.  The Bible calls this “self-deception”.  They know better because God says they do.  He manifested His existence to them and placed it in them so as to leave them without excuse.  All this through the supernatural communication of information sent from God to the human spirit of each human being.  Read Romans, chapter 1, for more details.

CC 09-10

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