The Holy Spirit and His Earnest 

      The Holy Spirit and His Earnest - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Knowing where one stands as a believer in Christ, and having the assurance of that standing, is the next most important thing to the standing itself.  This is because the human heart cries out for security, certainty.  Knowing where you are with God, and knowing that you know, is the very basis for Christian confidence and stability… confidence that is not cockiness or arrogance.  The knowledge that we are secure in Christ is never based on our goodness nor our intentions.  It is based solely and squarely on the merits of Jesus Christ, who He is, and what He accomplished on our behalf.  God did not save you for you to be in a dither of worrisome anxiety as to whether or not you really belong to Him.  Fear and its removal from the human experience is one of the many things God says you no longer have to contend with.  God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, and power, and a sound mind, as Paul wrote Timothy in 2nd Timothy 1.

Another wonderful ingredient of assurance for the believer is located in 2nd Corinthians 1, wherein the apostle stated it thusly, “Now he who established us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, is God, who has also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.  Sealed?  Earnest of the Spirit?  What is the earnest of the Spirit?”  The word “earnest” is borrowed by the Apostle Paul from the world of business.  There, earnest money was required as a down-payment guarantee that the balance of what was owed would be forthcoming.  Earnest money is good-faith money.  When Christians are said to have been given the Spirit as an “earnest”, it is God’s way of guaranteeing He will complete that for which He has made a partial or down-payment.  It assures us that God will conclude the transaction He has begun in us.

To the Philippians, in chapter 1, we read, “He that has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”  The Holy Spirit Himself, who indwells each believer, is God’s down-payment guarantee that He will finish what He began in each believer.  What is it about the Christians that remains unfinished?  It is the redemption of our physical bodies that are yet subject to death.  When God completes the transaction, our bodies will also be redeemed and glorified, according to 1st Corinthians 15, “This mortal body will put on immortality; this corruptible body will put on incorruption.”  Then, we will be a finished product.  Until then, we are given the Holy Spirit who indwells us as God’s “earnest payment” that the balance will surely be forthcoming.  It is a glorious truth that reflects the faithfulness of God.  The indwelling Holy Spirit is Himself both the seal and the earnest, or down-payment, of our salvation.  This is the basis for our comfort, our security, and our stability as believers in Christ.


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