Honest Questions About Authority

      Honest Questions About Authority - Pr. Marv Wiseman

If the Bible is not the very Word of God, we will simply be making much ado about nothing. In fact, what you will be hearing on future segments of Christianity Clarified will be a mere time waster and not ultimately helpful to you at all. But if it, is it is indeed the singular “enscripturated” revelation from the Creator God and it deserves more time and attention than the rest of our lives can give it. Because we are already convinced this latter position is the correct one, we want to enumerate for you how our consideration of the following topics has brought us to our settled conclusion long ago.

“Is the Bible inspired of God,” and what exactly does that mean? If God gave the Bible, why did men write it? And if He gave the Bible, why did He do it? What is meant by “verbal inspiration?” What is “inerrancy?” Some Christians say the Bible is infallible. What does that mean? Aren’t there mistakes and contradictions in the Bible? Hasn’t the Bible been translated and retranslated so many times nobody really has the original Bible anymore? How do we know there aren’t some books of the Bible missing, and how do we know the books that are in it all belong? And who said so, and what makes them the authority? What is meant by “plenary inspiration?” Why does it matter? Don’t other people and cultures have their own holy books apart from the Christian Bible? What makes them different? And aren’t there holy books of equal authority to the Bible? And what about people who have never seen a Bible and never heard of Christianity or Jesus Christ – what does the Bible say about them?

These questions, and more could be added, are all were the questions deserving of satisfying answers. They are questions stimulated by an inquisitive and thinking mind, and Christianity is a thinking faith. That will become more and more apparent in future segments of Christianity Clarified. We want to examine and think through these questions with answers that will stick to our spiritual ribs. In doing so, we will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. It is sadly true that most people today do not give serious consideration to these issues. Why not? Well, most just don’t think them to be important. Certainly not important enough to devote adequate time to the discovery of satisfying answers. But for those who do, Christianity Clarified is here to help you. Great truths, great issues, eternal consequences, in painless 3-minute snatches. This is Marv Wiseman and that’s my promise to you.


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