Intro to Fulfilled Prophecy (Part 2)

      Introduction to Fulfilled Prophecy - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

No consideration or the Bible, or the question of its authority and divine inspiration, would be complete without reference to what many consider its most convincing evidence of all.  This is a phenomenon in the Bible that defies any and all naturalistic explanations for it.  Detractors of the Bible have denied it, dismissed it, or just pretended it isn’t there.  But it is there, or, they are there because they are multiple in their existence and they just won’t go away.  We speak, of course, of the compelling and multiple occasions of fulfilled prophecies.  Prophecy has accurately described as history written in advance.  It is precisely that. Writing history in advance, well in advance, of its occurance, and doing it with detailed accuracy is not a problem for One who has already been there and has already seen it unfold.  But who could that be?  Only the One who has said to inhabit eternity.  Only the One of whom it is said, “He calls things that are not as though they are.”  This is the God of biblical prophecy.  There is none other with this ability.  The foretelling of events that are yet to transpire is standard operating procedure for One to whom the future is as clear as the past.  Seeing all things…past, present, and future…with equal clarity, He may, should He choose to do so, reveal certain of these things to His servants, the prophets, for their inclusion into the sacred record, the Bible.   The actual fulfillment of what God revealed to the prophet may be near or very far away in the future, as regards their actual fulfillment.  They may also appear to be extremely unlikely to be fulfilled.  Yet, they were with stunning and uncanny accuracy.

At times, the world has been abuzz with the so-called predictions of the future in the likes of Jean Dixon, Nostradamus, etc.   Some were overly-impressed with a 44% accuracy rate of their predictions being realized.  But what did that prove?  It proved they were wrong 56 % of the time.  And with God, He doesn’t dabble in trivia about what celebrity will marry or divorce her husband in the coming year.  The prophecies God reveals are those that shake nations and impact the world.  It has been well-stated that the greatest reason we have for believing what the Bible predicts will come to pass is based upon those things predicted that have already come to pass.  These we will briefly engage in subsequent sessions on Christianity Clarified.  We will find them to be so compelling as to remove all doubt from the minds of reasonable people about the divine origin of the Bible.  There simply is no other answer that will suffice.  Reasonable minds and hearts will have little choice but to gratefully acknowledge the presence of an all-knowing Creator behind these many prophecies fulfilled in such detail.

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