Introduction to Theology

      Introduction to Theology - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Without equivocation or fear of contradiction, we can say the study upon which we now enter is the most sublime and important of any and all topics of which human beings can apply themselves.  This study commences and concerns the character and nature of God Almighty.  It’s called “theology”, which simply means “the study of God.”  The only possible and logical rejection of this premise is in the event that no such being as God exists, in which case pursuing any investigation would be foolish and futile.  But, if once one grants the premise that, indeed, such an One as the infinite Deity does exist, it would then be folly to elevate any other topic above consideration of this God.  For, if there is a God, there is no nobler, no higher, nor more important undertaking that can be engaged than to know Him, what He is about, His person and character, His plan and purpose, and how it all relates to us as His creatures made in His image and likeness.

How can there be any contemplation to compare with that of contemplating and investigating the self-existing God who has created all things according to the pleasure of His good will.  No scientific technological endeavor, no literary or artistic pursuit, can compare with the importance and the sublimity of the knowledge of this self-revealing God.  This we propose to do in the upcoming segments of Christianity Clarified.  What’s more, we intend to do it in brief snatches of 3-minutes each, brief enough to present only the basic premise of each subject, yet long enough, we trust, to stimulate the listener to serious thinking and conclusions of his own.  Here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept is the way Isaiah expressed it in his 28th chapter.

Topics touched upon will include, but are not limited to, the Trinitarian necessity of the Godhead, His omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, including His eternity and timelessness, His immutability, sovereignty, holiness, righteousness, His justice, love, grace, mercy, and long-suffering.  An examination of the principle names of Deity and their respective emphasis will be woven throughout the aforementioned subjects, including God or Elohim, El Shaddai, El Elyon, Yahweh, Jehovah or Lord, Addonai, and, again, each will be treated by large definition in brief 3-minute segments.  While there is no doubt a more thorough and extensive treatment of each would be more profitable, time does not afford that luxury.  Our objective is to get the greatest amount of important biblical truth to the greatest number of people in the shortest time possible.  Hence, the 3-minute format of Christianity Clarified.  All who engage these studies with us will not come close to knowing all of God we want to know.  But, we may assure you a level of knowledge and appreciation of God that is lost on 98% of those who are Christians.  God is eminently worthy of our knowing Him in this way.


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