Spirit-God Created Matter (Part 2)

      Spirit-God Created Matter - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

As strange as it seems and sounds, it is non-the-less true.  Spirit created matter, or it might be said that non-matter created matter.  That is a stretch, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that nothing created something.  When it is said that non-matter created matter it is not to say nothing created something but, rather, Spirit created something.  Spirit is non-material, but Spirit is not “nothing”.  Spirit is simply not physical.  In fact, the spiritual is more something than is the physical.  Spirit is superior to the physical.  Spirit is the dominant force, not the physical.  God is Spirit; Christ said so.  Remember John 4?  God, who is Spirit, is definitely the ultimate in something…the ultimate Being.

Our problem in comprehending all this is that the physical and material are so much with us.  If there is anything we are acutely aware of, it is the physical, particularly our own bodies.  But what attention have you paid of late to the spirit?  Your spirit?  You do have one, you know.  In fact, Romans 8 reminds us that it is God’s Spirit that bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

Try to think of the occasion when nothing material existed…no people, no planets, no stars, no universe, no anything physical.  Yet, there was God, and God was and is Spirit, or non-material.  This non-material Spirit God decided to bring physical substance into existence.  He spoke from His non-material self the very words that caused physical things to be.  Also, there appears to be a distinction made between marine animals and land animals.  Genesis 2 seems to say that marine life was created from non-existing materials, but it is different when land animals are described.  We are told they all, including man, were fashioned, or constructed, from the very earth itself, and, it has been noted that the chemical composition of the human body is precisely the same as the elements found in the soil.  And why wouldn’t they be?  Genesis 2 clearly states that man was made of the dust of the ground, and to the ground his body will return upon death.  This accounts for man’s physicality.  He was made, formed by God, from material already in existence.  The newly created physical earth on Day 1 of creation.  Was man made, then by God?  Or created by God?  Both!  Adam was made in that God used pre-existing material.  He was also created in that God placed into Adam something that had no prior existence…Adam’s spirit.  God made Adam’s material body from the dust of the ground, but He created Adam’s spirit from non-materiality.  Genesis 2 tells us God “formed Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and Adam became a living soul.”  Here he is, homo sapien…man, physical and spirit, material and immaterial, fearfully and wonderfully made.  God’s crowning achievement…a masterpiece.

Lisiten to Part 1 here.


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