The Holy Spirit and the Bible 

      The Holy Spirit in the Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Perhaps second only to His activity in creation in general, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the creation of the Word of God may well be His greatest and most strategic contribution to the created order of angels and humans.  The Spirit of God has seen fit to provide us with a written record of key events transpiring from the Genesis creation account to the close of the Revelation in chapter 22.  Creation to culmination.   Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Bible “

The Bible – Written by Man, Authored by God

      The Bible Written by Man, Authored by God - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The charge has often been made that the Bible was written by mere men, not God, as Christians have long insisted. And clarification is surely in order here. It is true that men did write the Bible. What is not true is the charge that men authored the Bible, and the difference is enormous. The Scriptures themselves make it quite clear throughout both Old and New Testaments that the Author of the Old Book is none other than God Himself. The human instruments, which numbered about 40, were the vehicles, or penmen, God used in the physical composition of its several separate books. Keep Reading