What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 3)

      What Comprises the Human Spirit - Part 3 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

First Corinthians 2 asks the rhetorical question, “What man knoweth the things of a man except the spirit of a man, which is in him?” It appears that the human knowledge, which we call “intellect”, is bound to or located in this non-physical part of our being called the “human spirit”.  The passage is certainly saying the human spirit knows things about the man in whom it is.  Continue reading “What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 3)”

Spirit-God Created Matter (Part 1)

      Spirit-God Created Matter - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We know that God is Spirit because Scripture reveals it generally and Christ asserted it specifically in John 4, when He declared God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  But this is still a mind-bending concept, isn’t it?  Consider, spirit does not occupy time and space.  In eternity, there is no matter, no substance, and no time, nor is there any need for such.  All we can say of the eternal spirit is what Isaiah stated in his 57th that God inhabits eternity.  Continue reading “Spirit-God Created Matter (Part 1)”

The Origin of It All… Creation Week 

      The Origin of It All - Creation Week - Pr. Marv Wiseman

No matter how you describe it, the origin of the first human being sounds to our modern minds very extraordinary, perhaps improbable to many, and, to some, even impossible.  There is, however, nothing impossible or improbable about it if one is willing to embrace divine revelation and the account given in Genesis 1.  But, if not, little recourse is left except the Darwinian hypothesis of biological evolution.  Continue reading “The Origin of It All… Creation Week “

God – The Uncaused First Cause 

      God: The Uncaused First Cause - Pr. Marv Wiseman

You can mark it down and there are no exceptions.  It’s an age-old, philosophical and scientific maxim.   Without fear of contradiction or equivocation, it stands as an irrefutable principle of time and eternity, and it’s both simple and profound.  Here it is:  Everything that had a beginning must have a cause.  There is nothing that exists that did not have an efficient cause which produced it.  Continue reading “God – The Uncaused First Cause “

Was Noah´s Ark Real?

      Was Noah´s Ark Real? - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Was there really a divine destruction of the first human civilization referred to as “Noah’s flood?” Indeed, there was. Not only is the official and authoritative record of it found in Genesis 6 through 8, but numerous traditions of the great flood have been perpetuated from different areas in the world. Not all their details agree with the Genesis account, but the major aspects of the flood, its survivors and its victims, are all there. Men have always been reluctant to take the Bible at face value – not believing that it really does mean what it says.

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