What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 4) 

      What Comprises the Human Spirit - Part 4 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Under present consideration on Christianity Clarified is the most important and complex component of your personhood.  It is little understood and under-appreciated.  Yet, its importance cannot be overestimated.   Why is that?  It’s because this component is going to go right on living after your physical body dies.  Given this reality, we ought to pay very close attention to this immaterial aspect of our being. Continue reading “What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 4) “

Christ in His Pre-existence 

      Christ in His Pre-existance - Pr. Marv Wiseman

For many people worldwide who are not aware of what the Bible says, Jesus Christ came into existence when He was born of Mary in Bethlehem.  Well, it’s certainly true that His humanity began there, just as the familiar Christmas story reveals it.  But His beginning in Bethlehem must be limited to His humanity.  While that was His historical, human point of entry, it was most-assuredly not His beginning as a Person for in His personhood, He had no beginning.  Continue reading “Christ in His Pre-existence “

God – His Eternity 

      God: His Eternity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

It becomes obvious, as we pursue an explanation of the attributes of God that there is a lot of interrelatedness between them.  The spillover of one attribute into another becomes inevitable; hence, some repetition is also inevitable.  Yet, each attribute, in and of itself, has peculiarities of its own worthy of elaboration.  Continue reading “God – His Eternity “