The Holy Spirit and His Earnest 

      The Holy Spirit and His Earnest - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Knowing where one stands as a believer in Christ, and having the assurance of that standing, is the next most important thing to the standing itself.  This is because the human heart cries out for security, certainty.  Knowing where you are with God, and knowing that you know, is the very basis for Christian confidence and stability… confidence that is not cockiness or arrogance.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Earnest “

Christ – His Bodily Ascension to Heaven 

      Christ: His Bodily Ascension to Heaven - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Apart from the two accounts we have from the inspired pen of Dr. Luke, the beloved physician, we really have no information about the ascension of Christ.  The good doctor mentions it in both of the books he wrote, both in Luke and in the Acts…and in Luke, it’s the last chapter, and in Acts, it’s the first…and it had to have been really something. Continue reading “Christ – His Bodily Ascension to Heaven “

Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection 

      Christ: The Necessity of His Resurrection - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The necessity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead should be intuitively obvious to even the casual observer of Christian teaching.  Merely consider the alternative to His rising from the dead.  It’s to have not risen from the dead.  Other options are non-existent.  Scripture reminds us, in the great chapter dealing with the resurrection, 1st Corinthians 15, “If the dead rise not, then is Christ not risen; and, if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” “Vain” means “to no purpose, empty, invalid.” Continue reading “Christ – The Necessity of His Resurrection “