We Have an Inerrant Bible

      We Have an Inerrant Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why is it that Christians insist on verbal inspiration being so essential?  It’s because words mean things.  Specific words express preciseness, a preciseness essential for conveying meaning without ambiguity.  Original words, conveyed by the Spirit of God in the Hebrew Old and Greek New Testament, utilize the human vocabulary of each writer.  Keep Reading…

The Necessity of Verbal Inspiration (Part 2)

      The Necessity of Verbal Inspiration - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The subject of the inerrancy of Scripture has been hotly debated in Christian circles, particularly during the past century. Christians have been all over the map on this issue. As the word “inerrancy” implies, it has to do with whether the Bible is without error and is merely another way of asking whether the Bible is inspired of God. Because, if it is indeed so inspired, then it is axiomatic that it must be inerrant lest we charge God with being an error-prone deity. Viewing God as being subject to error is a contradiction in terms. Keep Reading…

The Necessity of Verbal Inspiration (Part 1)

      The Necessity of Verbal Inspiration - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

An essential component of the doctrine of Biblical inspiration is referred to as “verbal inspiration”, meaning the Scriptures given by God are projected through man via words, or word by word. Thus, the use of the term “verbal inspiration” is employed. Precisely how God did this with forty-plus individual writers is not clear. Some mistakenly believe God dictated word for word, as an executive dictates a letter through his secretary, referred to as the “verbal dictation” theory.

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