The Holy Spirit and Illumination 

      The Holy Spirit and Illumination - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Illumination results when someone grasps a truth or concept previously not understood.  It’s also referred to as enlightenment or comprehension, and it is a priceless commodity.  Illumination is the principle task of the Holy Spirit, and the chief means He uses to illuminate is the very Word of God that He Himself has inspired.  The inspiration of the Scriptures provides illumination to the reader of Scripture. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and Illumination “

The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture 

      The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The Word of God has been under attack from its adversaries from time immemorial.  Today is no different, but, in many ways, the attacks appear greater in number and intensity.  One of the most frequent criticisms of the Bible has to do with its content: Is it all there?  Is something missing?  If so, we do not have a complete Bible and, thus, may mislead someone due to critical parts missing.  Or, do we have more in the Bible than what should be there? Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture “

We Have an Inerrant Bible

      We Have an Inerrant Bible - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Why is it that Christians insist on verbal inspiration being so essential?  It’s because words mean things.  Specific words express preciseness, a preciseness essential for conveying meaning without ambiguity.  Original words, conveyed by the Spirit of God in the Hebrew Old and Greek New Testament, utilize the human vocabulary of each writer.  Keep Reading…