The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

      The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The operations and activities of the Holy Spirit are found scores of times throughout the Old Testament.  In every instance, the Holy Spirit was imparting something of His supernatural Self to whatever it was the situation demanded.  In each event, the human recipient was keenly aware that it was not himself but God’s Spirit that was responsible for what was being accomplished.  He was always to the rescue when something beyond the mere ability of man was needed. Continue reading “The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament”

The Holy Spirit’s Position in the Trinity 

      The Holy Spirit in the Trinity - Pr. Marv Wiseman

In this present series, we undertake the doctrine of the Holy Spirit of God.  He… and He is referred to in the masculine gender… is not a “thing”, but an “it”, a person.  Not only a person but a divine Person and one who is a full-fledged equal member of the Triune Godhead.  Because the Holy Spirit is commonly referred to as the third Being of the Trinity, as in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, He’s frequently relegated to a role of lesser authority and importance than the Father and the Son, and this is a grievous mistake.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit’s Position in the Trinity “

God – His Sovereignty (Part 2)

      God: His Sovereignty - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Our first segment on the sovereignty of God revealed God’s sovereignty to be that attribute most often challenged by men and angels.  It was so when Lucifer declared he would exalt himself to the very throne of God.  It was repeated continually by men from Adam onward, who, by their attitude and acts, would superimpose their will and way up on the will and way of the sovereign God.  Man, with all his rebel tendencies has always wanted to be in charge, and, in his brazenness, defy the Almighty and His clearly set-forth standards.  Continue reading “God – His Sovereignty (Part 2)”

God – His Sovereignty (Part 1 )

      God: His Sovereignty - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The sovereignty of God is perhaps one of the most frequently contested attributes of God, and who would the contestants be?  Those whom God has created, namely man and angels.  Both constitute classes of beings who are not always willing to let God be God.  They would, were they able, dethroned the Deity and sit in His place themselves.  So, let’s define what is meant by “sovereignty”.  Continue reading “God – His Sovereignty (Part 1 )”


      Omnipotence Clarified - Pr. Marv Wiseman

“With God, all things are possible.”  Is this true?  How can it not be true because it is in the Bible, and Christ Himself said it?  It’s in Matthew 19.  Yes, of course, it is true, but it also needs some clarification, and this is the purpose of Christianity Clarified.  All things are possible with God, but what is meant by “things”?  A “thing”, as referred to by Christ, has to do with an objective reality, that is, the existence of an object or condition that is real in existence, or can be real in existence.  Continue reading “Omnipotence “

God’s Omnipotence is Constant 

      God´s Omnipotence is Constant - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Numerous instances throughout the Bible attest to the unlimited power of God.  The theological term is “God’s omnipotence”, that is, the reality of God possessing not only unlimited power but all power.  It’s generally agreed that among all of God’s demonstrations of power none exceeds that of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  The raw and divine energy exercised in the creation undertaking cannot begin to be contemplated.  And don’t be misled in assigning limitations to the Almighty because He did it in the time-frame of six days.  Continue reading “God’s Omnipotence is Constant “

All Power Resides in God 

      All Power Resides in God - Pr. Marv Wiseman

There is a natural tendency to think in terms of God’s power and man’s power, but this is not accurate.  God’s power is all the power that is, or, there is no power that is not derived from God.  This is why God is omnipotent, which means, of course, He possesses all power.  So not only does power, or authority, reside in God, all power and all authority resides in God.  Continue reading “All Power Resides in God “