The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling 

      The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God in the very life and body of the believer is one of the most comforting and assuring truths of all Scripture and of the life experience of the Christian.  This indwelling means precisely what it seems.  It is the very act of the Holy Spirit of God taking up residency in the spirit of the individual Christian from the moment he becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus until the time of his physical death, when the believer becomes absent from his body and present with the Lord in heaven.  Continue reading “The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling “

Christ – The Exclusivity of His Salvation 

      Christ: The Exclusivity of His Salvation - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The biblical insistence upon man’s salvation being secured exclusively through the finished work of Christ remains a major objection that many have about Christianity.  In this present day of religious pluralism, the idea of the exclusivity of Christ is met with increased hostility.  It is a narrowness many simply cannot abide.  The principle reason for their objection is always the same.  Their conclusions are reached as a result of their personal logic and reasoning and, to them, it simply doesn’t seem right that there should be but one way to heaven.  Continue reading “Christ – The Exclusivity of His Salvation “