What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 4) 

      What Comprises the Human Spirit - Part 4 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Under present consideration on Christianity Clarified is the most important and complex component of your personhood.  It is little understood and under-appreciated.  Yet, its importance cannot be overestimated.   Why is that?  It’s because this component is going to go right on living after your physical body dies.  Given this reality, we ought to pay very close attention to this immaterial aspect of our being. Continue reading “What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 4) “

What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 3)

      What Comprises the Human Spirit - Part 3 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

First Corinthians 2 asks the rhetorical question, “What man knoweth the things of a man except the spirit of a man, which is in him?” It appears that the human knowledge, which we call “intellect”, is bound to or located in this non-physical part of our being called the “human spirit”.  The passage is certainly saying the human spirit knows things about the man in whom it is.  Continue reading “What Comprises the Human Spirit (Part 3)”

Spirit-God Created Matter (Part 1)

      Spirit-God Created Matter - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

We know that God is Spirit because Scripture reveals it generally and Christ asserted it specifically in John 4, when He declared God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  But this is still a mind-bending concept, isn’t it?  Consider, spirit does not occupy time and space.  In eternity, there is no matter, no substance, and no time, nor is there any need for such.  All we can say of the eternal spirit is what Isaiah stated in his 57th that God inhabits eternity.  Continue reading “Spirit-God Created Matter (Part 1)”