God – His Sovereignty (Part 2)

      God: His Sovereignty - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

Our first segment on the sovereignty of God revealed God’s sovereignty to be that attribute most often challenged by men and angels.  It was so when Lucifer declared he would exalt himself to the very throne of God.  It was repeated continually by men from Adam onward, who, by their attitude and acts, would superimpose their will and way up on the will and way of the sovereign God.  Man, with all his rebel tendencies has always wanted to be in charge, and, in his brazenness, defy the Almighty and His clearly set-forth standards.  Continue reading “God – His Sovereignty (Part 2)”

God – His Sovereignty (Part 1 )

      God: His Sovereignty - Part 1 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

The sovereignty of God is perhaps one of the most frequently contested attributes of God, and who would the contestants be?  Those whom God has created, namely man and angels.  Both constitute classes of beings who are not always willing to let God be God.  They would, were they able, dethroned the Deity and sit in His place themselves.  So, let’s define what is meant by “sovereignty”.  Continue reading “God – His Sovereignty (Part 1 )”