The Bible Knows Us (Part 2)

      The Bible Knows Us - Part 2 - Pr. Marv Wiseman

For any who are fairly familiar with the Bible, you can readily attest to the statement that we have frequently referred to by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, “The Bible is a book such as man would not write if he could, and could not write if he would.”  This is profoundly true.  The old Book simply transcends human capability in its expressions, its content, breadth and depth, its morality, its simplicity on the one hand and its profundity on the other.  There is no volume of literature that exceeds it or equals it.  But someone may ask, “If the Bible enjoys such a stellar position among all writings, why has it engendered its great opposition?  What is the basis for the ridicule and rejection of such a treasured volume of prose and poetry?”
While the Bible has endeared itself to millions throughout thousands of years, it has also garnered a great deal of opposition and hatred.  Not everyone loves the Book.  Again, for those somewhat familiar with the Bible, you must be struck by its truthfulness.  It vividly describes life as we know it and see it all around us.  It tells us that man suffers from an enlargement of his ego.  The Bible does not accommodate the human ego but exposes it for being the very bane to mankind that it is.  Simply put: The Bible has us pegged.

It tells the truth about us humans, and often we tend not to like it, but even resent it.  Sometimes the truth hurts, but truth responded to in the right way is our greatest friend and ally.  Rejecters of the truth, however, tell us, “The fault is in the Book.  Pay it no mind.  It’s only a musty collection of religious writings penned by old bearded men in long robes who lived centuries ago.  They were just ignorant, unscientific, and unsophisticated.  They may have had appeal in their day, but now they are hopelessly outdated and irrelevant.”  Well, these Bible-deniers urge us to place the Bible on the refuse heap of other bygone things that have outlived their usefulness. But the old Book will not go quietly, despite the efforts to discount it.  Ignoring its critics, it merely goes on to remain that impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture.

It was said of Jesus, in the gospels, that no man ever spake like this man.  Well, the same can be said of the Bible.  No Book ever spake like this Book.  Indeed, the Bible is a book such as man would not write if he could, and could not write if he would.  That leaves only the One who did.


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